Paris pays tribute to La Nueve with warnings about the return of fascism and populism

Paris pays tribute to La Nueve with warnings about the return of fascism and populism

The Ninethe French Army company that was formed almost entirely by Spanish Republicans and led the liberation of paris he August 24, 194480 years ago, received a new one today Saturday tribute amid warnings about the return of filofascismo and the populism in Europe.

The French capital once again commemorated the arrival on the night of 24 August 1944 of La Nueve, part of the French Second Armored Division, to close four years of Nazi occupation with the capitulation of the German garrison a day later.

Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Parisand the Spanish Minister of Territorial Policy, Angel Victor Torresled the tribute.

Both pointed out the contrast between the values ​​of the soldiers of La Nueve and the resurgence of fascism in the world.

The mayor invites us to be alert

Paris pays tribute to La Nueve with warnings about the return of fascism and populism
Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris, at the tribute to La Nueve

“Today, movements and attitudes are being established in our societies filofascistas y anti-democrats on which we must develop a critical attitude and be alert so that the traumatic events from the past never happen again,” Torres warned.

The mayor also stressed that the message of the soldiers who liberated Paris is “to fight against hatred, populism and fascism, which we see today making great strides everywhere.”

“That threat is there. But, since we know that there were men and women who stood up to fight it, it is up to us to cultivate their memory,” he said.

He also recalled that today marks 20 years since the Paris City Council expressly commemorated the actions of Spanish combatants, which had been obscured by French historiography.

He also recalled that there were many foreigners in the Parisian resistance against the Nazi occupation: Germans, Poles, Italians or Armeniansas shown by the execution in February 1944 of the 23 members of the ‘grupo Manouchian‘, as the Spanish Celestino Alfonsowho were introduced in February 2024 into the Pantheon where France honours its great figures.

Major exhibition on La Nueve in Madrid

For his part, Torres made two announcements: the first, at the end of the year a “great exhibition” will be inaugurated in the gardens of the Royal Palace of Madrid on the role of The Nine in lthe liberation of Paris.

“We want the general Spanish public to know what it was like The Ninehow he entered Paris and, in short, his commitment and his role in the fight against fascism during the World War II“, he said.

“The example of The Nine “This must make our youth reflect on the precious value of democracy,” he insisted before some 300 people gathered on the Esplanade of the Sister Cities of Liberation, on the banks of the River Seine.

He Garden of the fighters of La Nueve

Attendees wave the flags of the Second Spanish Republic at the end of the tribute to the Spanish Republican division La Nueve, in Paris, France, on August 24, 2024. Photo: EFE

In addition, the minister announced that the Garden of the fighters of La Nuevelocated next to Paris City Hall, was declared by the Spanish Government as “the first place in Europe outside Spain” that is a “Place of Memory in accordance with the Law of Historical Memory”, so “soon” a plaque will be placed jointly by the governments of the two countries.

In front of an audience made up largely of descendants of Republican exiles, and with numerous Republican flags waving, Torres recalled the latest advances in the application of the Law of Democratic Memory.


France will celebrate tomorrow, Sunday, the surrender of the German garrison, which officially marked the liberation of Paris, in which a company that entered the capital aboard a ship played a key role. M3 armored half-track vehicles American-made, baptized with names reminiscent of the Civil War, such as Madrid, Ebro, Teruel, Guadalajara or simply Spanish, such as Don Quixote.

The company, which had 146 Spaniards among its 160 members, suffered 35 dead and 97 wounded since its arrival in Normandy July 31, 1944 until the end of the war in May 1945, according to figures from the Spanish journalist and researcher Evelyn Mesquida, in its book “La Nueve. The Spaniards who liberated Paris”.

The Second Armored Division The war ended in Berchtesgadenin the mountains of southern Germany, where the Berghof, the alpine refuge and the secondary residence of the Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.

#Paris #pays #tribute #Nueve #warnings #return #fascism #populism
2024-09-02 21:15:09



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