Paris assured that Jadue’s statements about face-to-face classes are an internal discrepancy with Boric | National

Minister Enrique Paris described Daniel Jadue’s statements regarding face-to-face classes in Recoleta as an “internal discrepancy”. According to the mayor, 100% face-to-face attendance will not be imposed in his commune, as decided by the Ministry of Education. However, Paris said that it is regarding differences with the president (e) Gabriel Boric.

The Minister of Health, Enrique Parispointed out that the words of the mayor Daniel Jadue (PC) regarding not resuming the total face-to-face classes in Recoletaare an “internal discrepancy” with the president-elect Gabriel Boric (CS).

The communal chief pointed out last week that in his commune The decision of the Ministry of Education was not going to be imposedwhich established that this 2022 classes will be 100% face-to-face.

“Recoleta made a decision at the beginning of the pandemic, because here those who decide are the educational communities, and not even with this government, nor with our government that enters on March 11We are going to change this position,” he said.

He added that “we believe that no one can force or impose neither to fathers or mothers, nor to teachers, nor to students who attend a school if all the minimum security conditions are not in place.”

In this regard, the head of Health of the current government declared that everything is due to a discrepancy of Jadue with his sector and the president (e)who will arrive in La Moneda on March 11.

“I spoke a lot with Daniel Jadue, but the president-elect Gabriel Boric has said the opposite, that children must go to class and have face-to-face”, said Paris.

For this reason, he described everything as an “internal discrepancy between the new group that is going to govern the country. I believe that they have to talk”.

“It is essential, for reasons of education, mental health and nutrition, that the children return to face-to-face”, he closed.

Epidemiological protocol

On the same subject, the undersecretary of Public Health, Maria Theresa Valenzuelaindicated that the benefits and risks of returning to face-to-face attendance must be balanced.

“The benefits are multiplenot only in the educational field”, he said, assuring that the presence of children in schools will help their mental health, personal development and interaction with their peers.

In addition, he highlighted the high vaccination of schoolchildren, teachers and administrators. For example, he pointed out that from 6 to 11 years old there is 82.2% vaccination and that between 12 to 17 years old there is 95.5%, along with 36.5% of booster doses in the last group.

Finally, he announced that this week a epidemiological surveillance protocol carried out with the Ministry of Education, where active surveillance will be carried out to detect outbreaks and which will include the entire school community.



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