Paris 2024, Roccella exposes the left that theorizes conspiracies and the fascist alarm –

“When arguments are scarce, rationality is lacking and reasonableness has long been set aside, what do you do? There is always a solution for our left, or rather two: cry conspiracy (in this case Putinian) and fascist alarm”. On her Facebook page Eugenia Roccella, Minister for the Family, Birth Rate and Equal Opportunities, lays bare the usual plan of the left in difficulty after the many controversies arising from the 2024 Paris Olympics. “Faced with the irreconcilable contradiction between the defense of women and the promotion of fluidity, of sexual ‘non-binarism’ and gender theories of all kinds and degrees, and evidently not knowing how to get out of it now that even a politically correct institution like the UN has understood that there is a problem in women’s sports competitions – says Roccella -, the Italian left and its media outlets bring up the Russian conspiracy hatched in collusion with a phantasmagorical ‘fasciosphere'”.

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“If the issue of women’s identity and space, jeopardized by the woke ideology, were not so serious – warns Roccella – it would be laughable. It would be laughable because evoking Putin in the face of a question of sporting fairness posed by the most pro-Ukrainian government in the West, and by some of the most Atlanticist exponents of that same government (the Prime Minister, and I’ll include myself with my lifelong Westernist curriculum), means having nothing to say. Evoking the words of solidarity of a courageous priest from Caivano and a prize returned to the sender as evidence of a political conspiracy means trying to climb up a mirror, and a slightly oily one at that”. “The truth – continues the representative of the Meloni government – is that Angela Carini’s tears and the injustice she suffered, and not wanting to give herself rigorous and certain sporting rules when it was time to do so, have shown that the king is naked. That fighting for women and at the same time denying the identity of sexual bodies, promoting self-perception, depriving of meaning that being ‘woman’ in the name of which to open spaces of protagonism and frontiers of freedom, simply cannot be done».

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“It’s like trying to put together black and white, day and night, right and wrong. And since – Roccella underlines – the left desperately wants the exclusivity of feminism, but has made workism its own secular religion, faced with the short circuit it thinks it can get away with it by throwing it into a ruckus. The Carini-Khelif case thus becomes the fruit of a planetary conspiracy hatched between Putin and Don Patriciello passing through Palazzo Chigi”. “The Vatican’s statement on the offenses caused to believers by the opening ceremony of these controversial Olympics is incredibly silenced when not actually obscured, and censored. And then – concludes the minister – they talk about fake news…”

#Paris #Roccella #exposes #left #theorizes #conspiracies #fascist #alarm #Tempo
2024-08-06 21:42:03



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