Paris 2024: Anne Hidalgo wants to keep Olympic cauldron

Paris 2024: Anne Hidalgo wants to keep Olympic cauldron

2024-08-10 11:57:03

Faced with the success of the Olympic cauldron installed in the Tuileries Gardens, from a historical perspective between the Louvre Museum and the Arc de Triomphe, the mayor of Paris expressed her desire to see the building permanently present in the capital.

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo in front of the 2024 Paris Olympic cauldron in the Tuileries Garden (Photo credit: Henri Garat/City of Paris)

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Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo in front of the 2024 Paris Olympic cauldron in the Tuileries Garden (Photo credit: Henri Garat/City of Paris)

DAs soon as the Olympic cauldron was lit on the night of the opening ceremony on July 26, spectators and TV viewers were attracted by the peculiar shape of the cauldron’s design. say designer Mathieu Lehanieralready working torch wait cauldron.

Most importantly, everyone can admire the layout of the hot air balloon structure, which is fixed to the ground during the day and hangs 60 meters above the Tuileries Garden from dusk to 2:00 in the morning.

After the Olympic opening ceremony, the Director and Director of the Louvre Museum reflected on the historical significance of the Tuileries Palace and its similarities to the hot air balloons that appeared in the skies of Paris.

As Laurence des Cars specifically explains:

The Tuileries Garden is a place open to the city. It is the largest green space in the center of Paris and the most popular park, attracting nearly 14 million visitors every year.

The unique shape of this basin resonates greatly with the history of the Louvre National Territory, where balloons have left their mark since 1783: a place of technical innovation, a place of history and iconography, a place of popularity place of wonders.

Thousands of people flock to the French capital’s central location each evening to watch the air show, which also offers views of the iconic duo with the Eiffel Tower in the distance. Since July 26, social networks have been flooded with publications about hot air balloons, often embellished with French songs, e.g. “Hymn of Love” Céline Dion in exhibit The inaugural event of the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Faced with unprecedented enthusiasm for such an object – which can also be measured by admiring the basin’s more than 160,000 slots as close as possible during a storm during the day – the mayor of Paris recently expressed his desire to preserve the structure After the Wish Games.

If Anne Hidalgo is not the decision-maker for this cause, she intends to make her voice heard so that the cauldron remains in Paris as a testament to the upcoming Olympics. “City of Light”.

As she said on social media this week:

Since its first flight, the Olympic cauldron has captured the hearts of Parisians.

The Olympic Games are a symbol of the values ​​of harmony and solidarity and I hope it will remain a lasting legacy of our city.

In this sense, the mayor of Paris recently clarified that she wrote a request to the head of state Macron.

as she said into the microphone life cycle indexAugust 1:

It is located on the Tuileries Palace website. The Tuileries Palace is adjacent to the Louvre and is a national heritage site. Therefore, the opinion or competence of the Mayor of Paris is not required.

On the other hand, I would obviously like to support the President of the Republic if his decision would make this basin permanent. I think it’s very important.

If technical studies are needed to ensure the sustainability of the work, the current trend seems to be moving towards such anchoring, even if the location issue may still cause some problems, especially due to conservation and the ranking of Parisian sites.

The President of the Republic, as a decision-maker, aware of the attraction that the basin could generate in Paris due to its functions and the state’s responsibility for the Louvre, reacted to this proposal.

As Emmanuel Macron announced on Friday, August 2, 2024:

We will look at all of this in due course, obviously through technology, feasibility and perspective, but also because we have to retain the historical perspective of Paris. But I believe, no matter what, it makes the dream come true for many people today.

What we can do to make cities more beautiful over time is something we need to consider.

Valérie Pécresse, president of the Ile-de-France region, is also keen to keep the cauldron in the capital, defending the Tuileries Palace while proposing a Plan B that would include moving the cauldron to Paris Region.

In any case, if the 30-meter-high, 7-meter-diameter flame ring remains in place, the lighting system will not be able to continue unless there are special circumstances.

In fact, Paris, like all previous Olympic cities, must ensure the extinguishing of the Olympic flame at the end of the Games in accordance with the provisions of the Olympic Charter, in particular Rule 54, which states:

After the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, any torch, torch, basin or other device used to burn the Olympic flame must be approved by the International Olympic Committee before it can be used.

Additionally, it is conceivable to re-introduce a specially designed 100% electrical system, as was done previously for the Olympic Flame Pool EDFSenior Partner of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games – This enables giving life similar to real fire, but it will be still very good 40 LED projectors are used to illuminate the cloud created by 200 high-pressure atomizing nozzles.

For example, in Salt Lake City (Utah, USA), next to rice-acres stadiumThe Olympic Stadium for the 2002 Winter Olympics is occasionally relit to celebrate events related to the commemoration of the Games. The situation is like this During the 20th anniversary of the Olympic Gamesor, more recently, After the 2034 Olympic awards were announced at the end of July.

Surprised by the enthusiasm shown so far for the basin by visitors from all over the world, Mathieu Lehanneur pondered the possibilities of maintaining this new icon of Paris.

In an interview with Sports Daily “team”this Friday, August 9, 2024, designer Special statement:

If we can’t keep the flame, can’t we keep a memory alive, in our minds, rather than a rain-soaked relic? We can also imagine an intermediate state: the flame is no longer there, but we keep the light changing so that it can continue to take off from time to time, but not every night.

You have to remember that every takeoff is an adventure.

It’s not just a button, just press the button and everything is simple. It’s like a big ship out to sea, you need someone to control the weather on the fly to keep it all anchored. It is a living object and must be cared for.

Paris 2024: Anne Hidalgo wants to keep Olympic cauldron

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