Paris 2024: 300,000 volunteer candidates

2023-05-04 12:27:14


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

G. Naboulet, G. Marque, L. Bleuzen

France 2

France Televisions

This is further proof of the enthusiasm aroused by the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games. More than 300,000 people have applied to the Organizing Committee to take part, at one time or another, in the celebration at the Olympic venues.

In July 2024, Coline Van Waerbeke does not imagine herself at the beach, but at the Olympic Games. Not as an athlete, but in the organization, as a volunteer.Sport has been my passion since childhood, so imagining taking part in an event like the Olympics from the inside is just a dream”, explains the volunteer candidate for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. The young Marseillaise, passionate regarding triathlon, is one of the 300,000 candidates for the Games. The registration campaign ended on Wednesday, May 3 in the evening. A third are under 25 years old. There are slightly more candidates than candidates. All French departments are represented.

Applications from 190 countries

In his club, they are a few to have started, even if the work is unpaid. Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), Olympic city, will host all the sailing competitions, as well as football matches. From her university campus, Coline Van Waerbeke dreams of supporting triathlon or athletics events. His asset: family in the Paris region to host him.

With 300,000 candidates for 45,000 elected officials, the competition promises to be fierce. Paris has therefore won over, and even beyond our borders, with applications from 190 countries around the world. It will therefore be necessary to choose the doctors, the drivers, those who will wear the medals, those who will welcome the public. Each profile will be studied in detail. The first volunteers will be known in September.

#Paris #volunteer #candidates



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