“Parenting Special Needs Children- Insights and Tips from Uki ex NOAH”

2023-05-28 01:40:16


Annisa A |

Sunday, 28 May 2023 08:40 WIB


Uki ex NOAH has had a long journey as a parent. He and his wife, Metha Yunatria, struggle to raise children with special needs.

One of Uki’s children was diagnosed with dyslexia, Mother. These conditions make their children experience learning difficulties such as difficulty speaking, spelling, and reading.

At the age of 5, Uki’s child often finds it difficult to say a word. Uki said that what his son said was often reversed.

“My second child is dyslexic. His pronunciation is not clear, then he likes to swap. So sometimes when he sees a car he says boil, he often switches,” said Uki on the YouTube channel The Sungkars.

The owner’s full name, Mohammad Kautsar Hikmat, said that currently he and Metha regularly take their child to therapy. This was done in order to reduce the difficulties of the Little One, Mother.

“So now I often do behavioral and speech therapy. He is 5 years old,” said Uki.

The 41-year-old father said that having a child with dyslexia was a huge challenge.

Even so, the presence of children with special needs is a lesson in itself for Uki and Metha. Thanks to their son, this couple learned many things to become better parents.

One of the tests Uki and Metha often experience is when they have to understand the child’s language of expression. As a person with dyslexia, Uki’s child has difficulty expressing his feelings.

Alhamdulillah it is also a test of patience because he has a language disorder of expression. If he’s happy, he doesn’t know what to do, if he’s angry he doesn’t know what to do,” said Uki.

“So people can be mistaken. When he’s happy, he screams in front of people. That means he’s happy, but people catch him (confused) that’s why,” he continued.

On the same occasion, Uki also talked regarding how he and Metha were not busy working to focus on caring for and healing their little one.

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Also watch videos regarding various habits that affect children’s mentality:


#Uki #NOAHs #story #child #dyslexia #Struggling #Heal

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