parental leave

2023-08-24 03:12:00

Association of Labor Lawyers (AAL) – Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ) and various organizations.


The Chamber of Deputies has the opportunity to advance in favor of work and the welfare of families. Yesterday the Women and Diversity and Labor Legislation commissions issued an opinion on the project that seeks to expand the coverage and times of licenses to care.

In Argentina, half of the working population does not have labor rights for working independently or being in the informal sector. This means that millions of workers are left out of access to maternity and paternity leave. In addition, Argentina has one of the shortest paternity leaves in Latin America: just 48 hours, the same amount of time that is granted for a move.

At Compromiso por los Cuidados, we celebrate the progress made with this legislation, which means a great benefit for families and for society in general.


– Because it will also give those who work as monotributistas or self-employed, who today do not have any days of leave, the opportunity to have time to take care of their daughters and sons.
– Because parents deserve the opportunity to have more days to take care of their daughters and sons and be more present to create bonds.
– Because those who adopt need time to get to know each other and create a bond with their daughters or sons, something that is not even contemplated in the Employment Contract Law.
– Because both women and men need to have the necessary time to provide this care regardless of their employment status or where they live.
– Because it is beneficial for girls and boys to have a frequent and active presence of their father from the moment of birth or adoption.
– Because it is necessary to contemplate specific licenses before the arrival of a boy or girl with disabilities and recognize that mothers and fathers with disabilities (with or without support) might require more time to acquire care habits and/or become familiar with the implementation of supports.
– Because girls and boys deserve to receive good quality care and as a country we must bet on better child development from birth.

We believe that there are ample and necessary reasons to carry out this legislation. It is regarding the historic possibility of ensuring that all people are on an equal footing to provide and receive care. The time has come to move on.

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