Parat claims SAS engages in strike-breaking – warns of international actions

Parat claims SAS engages in strike-breaking – warns of international actions

– The definition of strike-breaking is that tasks that are usually carried out by people on strike are carried out by someone else, says Parat leader Unn Kristin Olsen in a press release from Parat.

SAS has sent information to its employees that they must use cabin crew who are not members of the SAS Norway Cabin Association in Parat or the Fellesforbundet.

I think SAS redeploys more than normal

This is planning to break the strike, says leader Martinus Røkkum for the SAS Norway Cabin Association in Parat.

– Almost all cabin crew in Norway are organised. In practice, this means that SAS is now planning to use Swedish and Danish employees to carry out the tasks of those of us who are on strike, he says.

Røkkum claims they have information that SAS will reallocate manpower, including by bringing in people who actually have time off to work. He believes the company is redeploying to a greater extent now than is normal.

– Our colleagues in Sweden and Denmark are flown to Norway to be available to carry out our jobs, he says.

On Friday, 120 cabin crew in SAS went on strike after they could not reach an agreement with the SAS management in the collective bargaining negotiations. The conflict concerns both wages and working conditions.

From Wednesday, the strike will be stepped up, and then there will be around 405 striking SAS employees organized in the Fellesforbundet and around 240 organized in Parat.

Denies the charges

SAS press manager Øystein Schmidt does not recognize the accusations from Parat.

– We can reject that in cash. We do not engage in strike-breaking, he says to NTB.

He claims that the company does not reallocate more than usual.

– Redeployment of crew is a normality in the company. We have authority for this in the collective agreement, says Schmidt.

SAS has canceled a large number of departures on Sunday due to the strike, both domestic and international routes. Also on Monday there are already some settings.

Notifies campaigns outside Norway’s borders

Deputy head of Parat, Anneli Nyberg, is in contact with international trade unions. She says that if SAS commits serious violations, unions outside Norway will also take action against the airline.

– We therefore want to warn SAS in the strongest possible terms. If they go too far in reallocating and buying days off from cabin crew in other countries, there will be consequences, says Nyberg.

To this warning, the press manager at SAS repeats that they reject that the company is breaking the rules for strike situations, and adds that SAS wants a quick solution to the conflict.

– We encourage all parties to return to the negotiating table so that we can get an end to the conflict as quickly as possible, concludes Schmidt.

National mediator Mats Ruland spoke on Sunday with the parties in the conflict, he confirms to NRK.

#Parat #claims #SAS #engages #strikebreaking #warns #international #actions
2024-08-26 18:12:01



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