Paraguay’s Tourism Boom: Generating Over $500 Million Annually, According to Senatur

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The tourism sector in Paraguay has established itself as one of the key drivers for the revitalization of the national economy, generating more than 500 million dollars annually. This was stated by Javier Ramírez, general director of Tourism Products of the National Secretariat of Tourism (Senatur), who highlighted the transversal impact of this sector in areas such as hotels, gastronomy, crafts and transportation.

Meeting tourism has positioned itself as a major driver of the economy, with Asunción consolidating itself as a destination for international congresses and events, he said during an interview with 5Días. According to Ramírez, recent activities such as the Assembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses, which attracted 18,000 people, have demonstrated the power of these events to generate income and promote other tourist regions of the country.

Ramírez also highlighted Senatur’s efforts to diversify tourism products, with initiatives such as the “Paraguayan Sugarcane Route” and the “Jesuit Route.” These projects seek to promote lesser-known destinations and enhance the historical and cultural wealth of Paraguay, the result of collaboration between the public and private sectors.

Domestic tourism and growth

Domestic tourism has experienced a boom in recent years, with regions such as Paraguarí and Cordillera attracting the attention of Paraguayans. Ramírez stressed the importance of continuing to develop infrastructure and promoting tourism in other areas, such as Ñeembucú and Concepción, to encourage their growth.

Despite progress, Paraguay still faces challenges in international promotion. Ramírez highlighted the importance of air connectivity to attract tourists and investors, and mentioned efforts to recover direct flights to cities such as Córdoba and Salta, Argentina, to facilitate the flow of tourists.

Future projections

According to Ramírez, Senatur has big plans for the future, including the organization of international events and strengthening cooperation with strategic sectors. The country’s tourism agenda for 2024 includes participation in the International Tourism Fair (FIT) in Buenos Aires and the International Tourism Fair of Paraguay (FITPAR), events that seek to position Paraguay on the radar of international markets.

Below are the events and conferences that have been declared of national tourist interest for the months of September and October of this year:


Date Place

2nd Paraguayan Congress of Surgery

September 18, 19 and 20 La Galeria Promenade Events Center


September 4th and 5th Conmebol Convention Center
International Congress “Women who add up to 7.0”

September 13th and 14th

Hotel Crowne Plaza

IX Paraguayan Congress of Endodontics – COPADE September 23rd and 24th

The Gallery Walk

Latin American Special Olympics Games

October 4-13

Olympic Park – National Secretariat of Sports – National Aquatic Center

Annual Assembly of the Latin American Association of Milling Industry

October 27-30


IX OLADE Energy Week 2024

October 28th to November 1st

Hotel Sheraton

Paraguay International Tourism Fair – FITPAR 2024

October 11, 12 and 13

Mariscal Convention Center

International Navegistic Intermodal Fair

October 1-3

Paseo La Galeria Events Center

2024 South American Mountain Bike Championship XCM Trans Itapúa October 20th

Jesuit Mission of the Holy Trinity

Connection & Business Py 2024, National Congress of Women Leaders in Law

4th International Congress of Successful Women and the Outstanding Women Event 5th Annual Awards

August 10, October 4, November 9 and December 11

Bourbon Hotel in Ciudad del Este

International Scientific Congress FELSOCEM 2024 Asuncion – Paraguay October 21-24

Hotel Crowne Plaza

An expanding tourist profile

The main flow of tourists visiting Paraguay comes from neighboring countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Bolivia, although there is a growing interest from more distant markets such as the United States and Europe. Ramírez highlighted that nature tourism, such as bird watching, is gaining popularity, especially among American tourists.

With important initiatives for the promotion and development of infrastructure, Javier Ramírez concluded that Paraguay is preparing to close the year with key actions that will consolidate the country as an attractive and competitive tourist destination in Latin America.

#Tourism #Paraguay #moves #USD #million #annually #Senatur
2024-09-15 22:37:17

⁤ ¿Qué impacto tiene el turismo de reuniones en‍ la economía de Paraguay?

Turismo de Reuniones: El Motor Económico ‍del Paraguay


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Asunción, IP Agency.‌ – El sector turístico en Paraguay se ⁤ha consolidado como uno de los principales‌ motores económicos del‌ país, generando más de 500 millones de dólares anuales. Esto ⁣lo afirmó ⁤Javier Ramírez,⁣ director⁢ general de Productos ⁤Turísticos de⁢ la Secretaría‍ Nacional de Turismo (Senatur),​ quien destacó el impacto transversal ​de este sector en áreas como hoteles, gastronomía, ‌artesanías y transporte.

El Turismo de Reuniones como Motor Económico

El turismo de reuniones se ha posicionado⁢ como ⁤un gran impulsor de la economía,‌ con Asunción consolidándose como destino para congresos y eventos internacionales. Ramírez ‌mencionó que actividades recientes como la Asamblea⁢ de Testigos de⁢ Jehová, que atrajo a 18,000 personas, han demostrado el poder‍ de estos eventos para ⁤generar ingresos​ y promover ⁣otras regiones turísticas del país.

Diversificación de Productos Turísticos

Ramírez también destacó los esfuerzos de Senatur para diversificar los productos turísticos, con iniciativas como la “Ruta del Azúcar Paraguayo” y la “Ruta Jesuítica”. Estos proyectos ⁢buscan promover⁢ destinos ⁣menos conocidos y enriquecer la ⁢riqueza ‍histórica y cultural de Paraguay, resultado de la colaboración entre ⁣el sector⁤ público y ‌privado.

Turismo Doméstico y Crecimiento

El turismo⁤ doméstico ha experimentado un auge en los últimos‍ años, con⁤ regiones como Paraguarí y Cordillera atraen la atención de los paraguayos. Ramírez enfatizó la importancia de ​continuar desarrollando infraestructura ‌y⁣ promoviendo ⁣el turismo en otras ‍áreas, como Ñeembucú y Concepción, para fomentar‍ su crecimiento.

Desafíos y Proyecciones Futuras

A pesar del progreso, ⁢Paraguay‍ aún enfrenta desafíos en la promoción internacional. Ramírez destacó la importancia de la conectividad aérea para atraer a ‍turistas y inversores, y mencionó los esfuerzos para‌ recuperar vuelos directos a ciudades como Córdoba y Salta, Argentina, para facilitar ⁢el flujo de turistas.

Según Ramírez, Senatur tiene grandes‍ planes para⁢ el​ futuro, incluyendo la organización de eventos internacionales y el fortalecimiento de⁣ la cooperación⁣ con sectores estratégicos. La agenda turística del país para 2024 ⁤incluye la participación en la Feria Internacional de Turismo (FIT) en ‌Buenos Aires y la Feria Internacional de Turismo de Paraguay (FITPAR), ‌eventos que buscan consolidar⁣ el lugar de Paraguay como destino turístico ⁤atractivo y ⁤competitivo.

Keywords: ​ Turismo de reuniones, ⁤economía, Paraguay, Senatur, Javier​ Ramírez, Asunción, ​turismo doméstico, crecimiento, desarrollo, promoción internacional, conectividad aérea, FIT, FITPAR.

This article is optimized for SEO with the following keywords: Turismo ‍de reuniones, economía, Paraguay, Senatur, Javier Ramírez, Asunción, turismo ⁣doméstico, crecimiento, desarrollo, promoción internacional, conectividad aérea, FIT, ​FITPAR. ⁣The article is also written in ⁢a ​comprehensive and⁣ informative style,⁣ providing valuable ⁣insights into the tourism

Boosting Paraguay’s Economy: The Rise of Tourism

Boosting Paraguay’s Economy: The Rise of Tourism

[Image: Photo: National Secretariat of Tourism (Senatur)]

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The tourism sector in Paraguay has established itself as a key driver for the



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