Paraguay will ask Venezuela to renew gasoline gross sales this Tuesday

The president of the Senate stated that “Paraguay has a must get cheaper gasoline and Venezuela can provide us that risk to purchase.”

The president of the Senate, Óscar Salomón reported that this Tuesday he’ll meet with a delegation from Venezuela; assembly the place it’s anticipated to debate the resumption of gasoline gross sales to Paraguay.

In that sense, the board of the Higher Home of Paraguay will obtain 4 deputies who handle the re-entry of Venezuela to the Mercosur Parliament; often known as Parlasur.

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“We’re going to obtain some Venezuelan deputies and we’re going to make the most of the chance to suggest that Venezuela promote us gasoline once more,” he stated.

Salomón stated that “Paraguay has a must get cheaper gasoline and Venezuela can provide us that risk to purchase,” he stated.

Likewise, the Senate consultant maintained that Congress did the precise factor in just lately enabling the state oil firm Petropar to compete on equal phrases.

In January 2019, Paraguay determined to interrupt diplomatic relations with Venezuela and ignore the mandate of President Nicolás Maduro.

At the moment he stated that he would honor the debt he has with Petróleos de Venezuela SA (Pdvsa) that quantities to 280 million {dollars}, however with out figuring out how or when.

Venezuela was suspended in December 2016 as a member of the Southern Widespread Market (Mercosur).

Moreover, in August 2017 he was sanctioned with the indefinite suspension of his rights and obligations.

In that block made up of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay.

With info from 2001

#Paraguay #Venezuela #resume #gasoline #gross sales #Tuesday
2024-06-27 04:15:24

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