Paraguay Sets Its Sights on a Technological Revolution to Improve Employment Standards

Asuncion, IP Agency.- A policy focused on taking advantage of the workforce of the country’s young population, the transition to a more formalized economy, and reforms in job training and education aligned with the incorporation of new investments and technology are among Paraguay‘s main challenges to make a leap in the quality of employment.

This was stated by the Minister of Labor, Mónica Recalde, at the opening of the International Seminar entitled “Paraguay: Challenges of job creation in a world of technological and digital transformation”, organized by the Ministry of Labor and the International Labor Organization (ILO).

Minister Recalde referred to the country’s recent accession to the Global Employment Accelerator, promoted by the ILO, a measure that is in line with the Government’s objective of creating 500,000 new jobs.

He indicated that this step is being taken in a context in which the economy is moving from an informal to a formalized labour market. “We are at a crucial moment in the transition towards a more formalized economy, and this process requires not only reforms in training and education, but also a significant cultural change that we will address in the coming years,” he anticipated.

He went on to say that the Government’s focus is on adapting labour policies to promote new forms of employment and attract investments that require technological transformation and workforce qualification.

Faced with this scenario, the Ministry of Labour and the ILO promoted the international seminar to comprehensively discuss technological innovations, creativity and the integration of young people in these new labour sectors.

The minister stressed that Paraguayan youth represent a considerable potential for economic development. “It is essential that we make the most of our youth potential, otherwise we could lose a crucial opportunity for the growth and modernization of our economy,” she concluded.

The seminar, held on Tuesday in Asunción, featured as its main speaker the director of the Department of Employment Policies of the ILO in Geneva, Sangheon Lee, in addition to the participation of national, diplomatic, business, and trade union authorities and young people interested in the subject of the activity, reported the Ministry of Labor.

#Paraguay #seeks #advantage #technological #transformation #leap #quality #employment
2024-09-13 13:48:14

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the ⁢title **”Paraguay’s Employment Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities”**:

Paraguay’s Employment Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities

Paraguay, a country in South America, ⁢is facing significant challenges in its employment sector. The country’s labor‍ market is undergoing a transformation,​ transitioning from an informal ‌to a ​formalized economy. ‍This shift presents​ both opportunities and challenges for ‍the government, ‌employers, and employees.

Challenges in the Job Market

According to the Minister of Labor, Mónica Recalde, Paraguay’s main challenges in improving‌ the quality of employment include taking⁣ advantage of the ⁣country’s young population, transitioning‌ to a ⁣more formalized ‍economy, and implementing reforms⁤ in job training and education‌ aligned with new investments and technology [[4]]. The government has set an ambitious goal⁣ of creating ‍500,000 new jobs, which requires adapting labor policies to promote new forms of⁣ employment and attract investments ​that require technological transformation and workforce qualification.

Labor Laws ‍and Regulations

Paraguay’s ‌Labor Law prohibits hiring fixed-term⁢ contract workers for⁤ tasks of a permanent nature [[1]]. In case of dismissal without just cause, the employer must provide ⁣severance pay to the employee.​ These laws aim to⁣ protect workers’ rights and ensure fair labor practices.

Job⁢ Opportunities in Paraguay

Despite ‌the challenges, Paraguay⁣ offers ⁤various job opportunities in different sectors. According to LinkedIn, some of the best jobs in Paraguay include ​Regional Manager, Executive Assistant,⁤ Amazon Marketplace Specialist,⁢ Graphic ‍Design, and Freelance Notion Expert [[2]]. Additionally, the‌ US Embassy in Asuncion, Paraguay, regularly posts job vacancies ‍on its website,‌ including positions in‌ administration, finance, ‍and ⁤human resources ⁤ [[3]].

Youth Employment and Education

The ⁣government recognizes the importance of youth​ employment ‌and education in⁢ driving‌ economic⁣ development. The Minister⁤ of ⁤Labor emphasized that Paraguayan youth ⁣represent ‌a considerable‌ potential for economic development, and it is essential to⁣ make the most of their skills and ⁤energy [[4]]. The government ‍is promoting education and training programs that align with the needs of ‌the labor market, focusing on technological transformation and ⁢workforce qualification.


Paraguay’s employment landscape is characterized by challenges and opportunities. The government’s efforts to transition to a more ‌formalized economy, create new jobs, and⁢ adapt labor policies‌ to promote new forms of employment are crucial in addressing the country’s employment challenges. By leveraging the‌ potential of its young population, promoting education and training programs, and attracting investments in technology,‍ Paraguay can make significant strides in improving the quality of employment and driving ⁤economic growth.





[[4]](Source article)

**PAA Related Questions for “Boosting Employment in Paraguay: Challenges and Opportunities”**

Boosting Employment in Paraguay: Challenges and Opportunities

Paraguay, a country with a growing economy, is facing significant challenges in creating quality employment opportunities for its citizens. The government has set ambitious goals to create 500,000 new jobs, and to achieve this, it needs to overcome obstacles such as the transition from an informal to a formalized economy, and reforms in job training and education.

The Current State of Employment in Paraguay

According to [[2]], the minimum wage for employees in Paraguay is approximately 13.45 PYG per hour, which translates to around 2,798,309 PYG per month for a typical 48-hour workweek. This wage is set to provide a decent standard of living for workers, but the country still faces challenges in providing quality employment opportunities.

Challenges in Employment

The Minister of Labor, Mónica Recalde, highlighted the importance of taking advantage of the workforce of the country’s young population, the transition to a more formalized economy, and reforms in job training and education aligned with the incorporation of new investments and technology. These are crucial steps towards creating quality employment opportunities.

Government Initiatives

The government has taken significant steps to address these challenges. Paraguay’s recent accession to the Global Employment Accelerator, promoted by the International Labor Organization (ILO), is a measure in line with the government’s objective of creating 500,000 new jobs. The government is also focused on adapting labor policies to promote new forms of employment and attract investments that require technological transformation and workforce qualification.

International Seminar

The Ministry of Labor and the ILO organized an international seminar to discuss technological innovations, creativity, and the integration of young people in new labor sectors. This seminar aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities facing Paraguay’s employment sector.

Importance of Youth Potential

The minister stressed that Paraguayan youth represent a considerable potential for economic development. “It is essential that we make the most of our youth potential, otherwise we could lose a crucial opportunity for the growth and modernization of our economy,” she concluded.

Equal Employment Opportunities

USAID/Paraguay provides equal opportunity in employment to all qualified candidates without regard to race, color, religion, sex, and other factors [[1]]. This commitment to equality is essential in ensuring that all Paraguayans have access to quality employment opportunities.

Hiring in Paraguay

For companies looking to hire employees in Paraguay, it is essential to understand the country’s labor laws, taxes, benefits, and more [[3]]. This includes providing a minimum wage, adhering to working hours, and offering benefits such as social security and healthcare.


Paraguay is taking significant steps towards creating quality employment opportunities for its citizens. By addressing the challenges and opportunities in the employment sector, the government can unlock the country’s full potential and create a brighter future for its citizens. With a focus on youth potential, equal employment opportunities, and adapting to technological innovations, Paraguay is poised to make a leap in the quality of employment.


[[1]]USAID/Paraguay. (n.d.). Careers. Retrieved from

[[2]]Playroll. (2024). 2024 Guide to Hiring Employees in Paraguay. Retrieved from

[[3]]Globalexpansion. (n.d.). Definitive guide to hiring in Paraguay. Retrieved from



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