Paraguay reaffirms commitment to early childhood at the 79th UN General Assembly

Asunción, IP Agency.- Within the framework of the 79th General Assembly of the United Nations, the first lady, Leticia Ocampos, and the Minister of Children and Adolescents, Walter Gutiérrez, highlighted the progress of the Paraguayan Government in public policies aimed at the comprehensive development of boys and girls , with a special focus on the first years of life.

It was on the occasion of the Early Childhood Symposium, an event organized by Unicef ​​and Theirworld, within the framework of the UN General Assembly, in New York.

The first lady and the head of the Ministry of Children and Adolescents reaffirmed their commitment to continue promoting the early childhood program, a national initiative that seeks to comprehensively address the needs of that sector.

This program focuses on ensuring essential services such as medical care, education, nutrition and protection for boys and girls, from birth to eight years old.

During his intervention, Gutiérrez highlighted that the management model of early childhood policies in Paraguay has been an example of political leadership, led by the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, and the First Lady, Leticia Ocampos. He highlighted that investment in early childhood is not only an act of social justice, but also a strategic investment with a high economic and social return.

The Symposium highlighted the achievements of the Paraguayan government, such as the creation of 100 Comprehensive Early Childhood Care Centers and the expansion of the “Zero Hunger” school feeding program, which seeks to eradicate child malnutrition throughout the country.

With participation in this international event, Paraguay consolidates itself as a country committed to building a more prosperous and equitable future, based on investment in the first years of life of its youngest citizens.

#Paraguay #reaffirms #commitment #early #childhood #79th #General #Assembly
2024-09-27 13:32:12



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