Paraguay Embraces Full Control of Commuter Rail Project

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The head of Ferrocarriles del Paraguay SA (Fepasa), Facundo Salinas, made it official this Friday that the commuter train project will not be implemented with the support of the Korean government. Instead, its implementation will be sought with the private sector through a sub-concession.

Salinas said that there were changes in the terms of the project by the Korean state company that were not those previously discussed and “the Government decided that it was not the best way to carry it out.”

“We are finishing the bill and we are going to make the commuter train in a competitive system that we are going to call Fepasa with the Ministry of Public Works (MOPC) to find that partner that, through a subconcession, will develop the project,” he said this Friday at a press conference.

The proposal is to develop the transport service through a public-private partnership and the Government will make a contribution to improve the financial conditions of the project.

The commuter train project seeks to implement a fast train service, integrated with the public transport service, which in its entire route will connect the cities of Asunción and Ypacaraí, passing through Luque and Areguá.

#Paraguay #responsible #commuter #train #project
2024-09-08 00:27:26

**Commuter Train⁤ Project in Paraguay: A New Era of‍ Transportation**

Commuter Train Project in Paraguay: A ​New Era of Transportation

Paraguay is gearing up to‍ revolutionize‌ its transportation system with‌ the​ implementation of a commuter⁣ train ​project,​ connecting the ​cities of ‌Asunción and Ypacaraí, passing through ⁣Luque⁣ and Areguá. This ambitious project⁣ aims‍ to provide a ​fast train ⁤service, ⁤integrated ‍with⁣ the⁢ public transport service, to improve⁤ the daily​ commute of ​thousands of people.

The⁤ Project’s Genesis

The idea of a commuter train project in Paraguay ‍has been around for a while, with the presentation of the project ‌design at ‍the end⁣ of 2020 [[3]]. However, ⁤the⁤ project took a new turn when the head of ​Ferrocarriles del Paraguay⁣ SA (Fepasa), Facundo ‍Salinas,⁣ announced that the project would‍ no longer ⁢be​ implemented with the support of the Korean ⁣government, but instead, would be sought with the private sector⁤ through a sub-concession ‌ [[4]].

New Partnership and Funding

The proposal is to develop ⁣the transport ​service through ⁣a public-private partnership, with the ⁣Government⁣ contributing to⁣ improve the financial ‌conditions of the‍ project. This new approach is expected to attract⁢ private investors and⁢ bring in the necessary⁤ funding to‌ make the project a reality.

Benefits of the Commuter Train Project

The commuter train project is expected‍ to have a significant impact on​ the daily lives of Paraguayans, providing a faster, more efficient, ⁤and comfortable⁤ mode‍ of transportation. The project will not only reduce travel time but also⁤ alleviate traffic‍ congestion, decrease ‍air pollution, and promote economic growth by connecting major cities and towns.

President Promulgates Law ‌for the Implementation of the​ Project

In⁤ a significant‍ development, President Santiago‍ Peña has officially promulgated⁢ a law laying the⁢ groundwork for negotiating and implementing the commuter train project [[2]]. This⁢ law​ paves the way for the project to move ‌forward, with the Government⁣ and ‌private⁢ sector working together to bring this ambitious project ​to ⁤life.

Commuter Importers and Buyers in Paraguay

Interestingly, Paraguay has⁣ a growing market for commuter-related products, with‌ several importers ⁤and buyers‍ in the ⁣country sourcing commuter-related goods from international suppliers [[1]]. This ‍demand is likely to increase with ‌the implementation⁣ of the ‍commuter train project, creating new ⁤business opportunities for local⁤ and international ⁤companies.


The commuter train project in Paraguay ⁢is an ⁣exciting development that promises to transform the country’s transportation system. ⁤With the ‍Government ⁤and private sector working together, the project is expected ‍to bring numerous benefits to‌ the people of Paraguay, including faster travel times, improved air quality, and economic⁢ growth. As the project moves forward, it will be interesting to watch⁤ how it shapes‍ the country’s transportation landscape and creates new business opportunities.



[2] <

**Commuter Train Project in Asunción, Paraguay: A New Era of Transportation**

Commuter Train Project in Asunción, Paraguay: A New Era of Transportation

Asunción, the capital city of Paraguay, is set to embark on a significant transportation project that will revolutionize the way people move around the city. The commuter train project, which has been in the planning stages for several years, has finally gained momentum with the approval of the law by President Santiago Peña [[3]]. This ambitious project aims to connect the cities of Asunción and Ypacaraí, passing through Luque and Areguá, with a fast and efficient train service.


The commuter train project was initially planned to be implemented with the support of the Korean government. However, due to changes in the terms of the project by the Korean state company, the government decided to seek private sector involvement through a sub-concession [[1]]. Facundo Salinas, the head of Ferrocarriles del Paraguay SA (Fepasa), announced that the project would be developed through a competitive system, with the Ministry of Public Works (MOPC) playing a key role in finding a partner to develop the project.

Project Details

The commuter train project is expected to cost around US$600 million to build and US$1 billion to operate over its lifespan [[2]]. The project will involve the construction of a 43km rail line connecting Asunción and Ypacaraí, with the possibility of further expansion in the future. The train service will be integrated with the public transport system, providing a fast and efficient way for people to move around the city.


The commuter train project is expected to have a significant impact on the city of Asunción and its surrounding areas. The project will provide a reliable and efficient transportation system, reducing travel times and increasing the quality of life for citizens. The project will also contribute to the economic development of the region, creating new job opportunities and stimulating economic growth.

Next Steps

With the law approved, the government can now begin engineering studies for the project. The Ministry of Public Works (MOPC) will play a key role in finding a private sector partner to develop the project through a sub-concession. The project is expected to take several years to complete, but the benefits it will bring to the city of Asunción and its citizens will be well worth the wait.

the commuter train project in Asunción, Paraguay, is a significant development that will transform the transportation landscape of the city. With the approval of the law and the government’s commitment to seeing



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