Paraguay attracts investments with water management and entertainment technologies

Asuncion, IP Agency.- In an interview with our media, Spanish businessman and leader in several expansion projects, José María Folache, shared his vision on investment opportunities in Paraguay. Folache expressed notable enthusiasm for the economic prospects and the reception by the government and the private sector.

The interviewee explained that his interest in Paraguay arose from a recent investment mission of other Spanish businessmen to our country“We followed this mission very closely, during which my colleagues were received by President Peña. They told us about the great appeal and opportunities that exist in Paraguay, as well as the good reception by businessmen and the government,” Folache commented. This experience motivated them to include Paraguay as a priority destination to establish a hub for Latin American expansion.

Specific opportunities for WeatherTec, WAM and Scaena Capital

Folache highlighted two key areas for investment: water management and entertainment. “For WeatherTec, together with West African Mobility (WAM)“We see a great opportunity in water management. Paraguay, with its important agricultural industry and the effects of the El Niño phenomenon, faces water challenges. Our technology can help recover water levels and manage rainfall in an ecological and sustainable way,” he explained.

José María Folache. Photo: Courtesy.

He also mentioned that WeatherTec brings advanced technologies for field readings that can support the country’s agricultural industry, replicating natural processes to restore climate balance. “Our technology helps moisture particles in the air come together and precipitate in a controlled manner, benefiting all surrounding areas. It is an eco-friendly solution with a minimal infrastructure footprint,” he said.

As to Scaena CapitalFolache highlighted the potential of the Paraguayan market in the entertainment sector. “We have received a very good response from the business scene in Paraguay. We see a great opportunity to include it in the Latin American circuit of tours, festivals and musical events, improving the infrastructure to host large events,” he said.

Folache expressed his satisfaction with the welcome received in Paraguay. “Both by the private sector and the government, we have been welcomed with open arms. The businessmen and local authorities are very well prepared, they have studied our proposals and have received us with great interest,” he said. He also thanked the government for its willingness to serve them on such short notice, which demonstrates the commitment and interest in promoting new investments in the country.

José María Folache concluded the interview by highlighting Paraguay’s potential to become a regional leader in water management and a key entertainment hotspot in Latin America. The collaboration between WeatherTec, WAM, Scaena Capital and the Paraguayan authorities promises a prosperous and sustainable future for the country.

#Paraguay #attracts #investments #water #management #entertainment #technologies
2024-07-26 00:19:09



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