Paracetamol soon out of stock? The Medicines Agency launches the alert

Paracetamol is part of our daily life. Administered to children and adults, he makes miracles. Or, this rumor of scarcity is maddening!

Ouch, paracetamol is missing!

After mustard, sunflower oil or butter, paracetamol is acting up. When the authorities are questioned on this subject, they deplore many “delays in the supply of oral forms and suppositories of paracetamol. » How is it that no one at the top of the state anticipated this major rebound? Obviously, the bill for our past mistakes has just arrived. In fact, the latter did not serve as a lesson. Nothing more expect, we explain how things will evolve once morest us soon. Here we go, hang on, buckle up, we’re entering a turbulent zone!

An air of deja vu

A few hours following the start of the first confinement, all shops are closing except for supermarkets and pharmacies. Very quickly, the experts are overwhelmed with requests. For example, there is no mask and even less hydroalcoholic gel to practice barrier gestures. As for the classic paracetamol, it disappears from the rays at the speed of light. At the time, there was no vaccine. Moreover, we do not know at all how to attenuate the pain related to this unknown disease. So, we use the means at hand. And what better than this stamp to reduce inconveniences such as fever or body aches?

Are we going to have paracetamol this summer?

The drug agency is trying to reassure the troops. Instead of panicking, she multiplies the statements on social networks. Also, it allows us to regulate things by the start of the school year. In the meantime, everyone must put hand to paw. As proof, they are temporarily setting up new logistics. The least Objeko can say is that she is already causing a lot of ink to flow. Even if it frightens, the leitmotif is ” equitably distribute supplies throughout the territory and preserve available stocks over time. » If we read between the lines, the switch from theory to practice is carried out in the following way. Although temporary, « [l’interdiction] of the export of these drugs by wholesalers” is a mini revolution.

In all pharmacies, it is strongly suggested not to order so much paracetamol. Moreover, if customers have a arrangement, it’s even better ! You got it, if you don’t have a ” immediate need“, you must find an emergency solution such as the use of plants or essential oils.

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