Paracetamol: France’s Persistent Debate

Published on 09/10/2024 23:34

Video length: 4 min

<img class="francetv-player-wrapper__image" alt="Health: the paracetamol battle in France” width=”432″ height=”243″ sizes=”100vw” src=”×0:1525×856/432×243/2024/09/10/sante-la-bataille-du-paracetamol-en-france-66e0ba6bebfab103981512.jpg” fetchpriority=”high”/>

Health: the paracetamol battle in France Health: the paracetamol battle in France (France 2)

Doliprane will soon be sold by its owner, Sanofi. The French pharmaceutical giant wants to part with it and could leave it in the hands of a foreign investment fund.

In a Sanofi factory in Calvados, more than a million boxes of Doliprane are produced every day. For how much longer, the employees of the site wonder? “We don’t know at all what’s going on”laments an employee. The best-selling drug in France could thus pass into the hands of a foreign investment fund. A long-standing project of Sanofi, but since then, no additional information has been revealed.

Could the manufacture of Doliprane be transferred to foreign ownership? A sensitive issue as Emmanuel Macron considers the pharmaceutical sector to be strategic since the Covid crisis. Another risk is the increase in the selling price of Doliprane, and this is partly due to the profile of potential buyers. Sanofi claims to have not yet decided anything. The pharmaceutical giant says it is studying different scenarios.

Non-exhaustive list.

Latest research on ⁣paracetamol

The Power of Paracetamol: Understanding Doliprane and its Impact on Health

Paracetamol, a widely used pain​ relief medication,‌ is a staple ⁢in many‍ households ⁣around the world. One of the ⁤most popular brands of paracetamol is Doliprane, a product of Sanofi, a French pharmaceutical giant. With its wide range of applications and availability in⁢ various ⁤forms, Doliprane has ‍become a go-to solution​ for‌ people seeking relief from mild to moderate pain and fever.

What ‌is Doliprane?

Doliprane ‌is a ⁢paracetamol-based medication available in various forms, including tablets, capsules, and ‍effervescent⁢ tablets. Each tablet‍ or capsule ⁣typically contains 1000mg of⁣ paracetamol, making it a ⁣highly effective solution for treating ‌pain and fever [1]. Doliprane ⁢is recommended for the symptomatic treatment of mild to moderate pain and/or feverish states, making‌ it an ideal solution for headaches, influenza,⁢ dental pain, ​and ⁣muscle ache [2].

Uses of Doliprane

Doliprane‌ is a versatile medication that can‌ be ‌used to treat a range of ⁢conditions, including:

Headaches and migraines

Influenza and feverish states

Dental pain and toothaches

Muscle aches ⁣and⁢ pains

*‌ Menstrual cramps and period pain

The Future of Doliprane

In recent news, ‍Sanofi,‌ the owner of Doliprane, has announced plans ⁢to sell the brand to a foreign investment‍ fund. ⁢This move has raised concerns⁤ about the potential impact on the manufacturing ⁢process, pricing,⁣ and availability of‍ Doliprane [3]. ⁤With the pharmaceutical sector being‍ considered strategic by⁣ the French government, the sale ‌of Doliprane could ‌have ⁤significant ⁤implications for the industry as a whole.


Doliprane⁣ is a trusted and widely used​ medication⁣ for pain and ​fever ⁢relief. ‍With its long⁤ history and widespread availability, it has become a staple in many households. As the future ‌of Doliprane remains‍ uncertain, it ⁤is ​essential to ‍stay informed‍ about any developments ⁤that may affect its availability and pricing. One thing is clear, however ‌- Doliprane will‌ continue to play a vital role in providing relief from pain ⁣and fever to people around the world.

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title: **Sanofi’s Doliprane: A Battle for the Future of France’s Best-Selling Drug**:

Sanofi’s Doliprane: A Battle for the Future of France’s Best-Selling Drug

In a surprising move, Sanofi, the French pharmaceutical giant, is considering selling its best-selling drug, Doliprane, a paracetamol-based medication. This development has sparked concerns among employees, politicians, and the general public, raising questions about the future of France’s pharmaceutical sector.

Doliprane: A Household Name in France

Doliprane is a widely used pain reliever and fever reducer, indicated for headaches, dental pain, menstrual cramps, and other ailments <a href="”>[2[2]. With over a million boxes produced daily in Sanofi’s factory in Calvados, Doliprane is an integral part of French healthcare.

Sanofi’s Decision: A Strategic Move or a Risky Gamble?

Sanofi’s plan to divest Doliprane has been in the works for some time, but the pharmaceutical giant has yet to reveal any further information about the potential sale. This lack of transparency has left employees and stakeholders wondering about the implications of such a move. Could the manufacture of Doliprane be transferred to foreign ownership? This is a sensitive issue, as President Emmanuel Macron considers the pharmaceutical sector to be strategic since the Covid crisis.

Risks and Uncertainties

One of the significant risks associated with the potential sale of Doliprane is the increase in its selling price. The profile of potential buyers, which includes foreign investment funds, raises concerns about the drug’s affordability for French citizens. Sanofi claims to be studying different scenarios, but the uncertainty surrounding the future of Doliprane is palpable.

Ibuprofene Zentiva: An Alternative to Doliprane?

While Doliprane is a paracetamol-based medication, ibuprofen is another popular pain reliever and fever reducer. Ibuprofene Zentiva, a product of Sanofi, is indicated for a range of conditions, including headaches, migraines, dental pain, and muscle pain [1[1]. Could Ibuprofene Zentiva be a viable alternative to Doliprane in the French market?


The potential sale of Doliprane by Sanofi has sparked a heated debate about the future of France’s pharmaceutical sector. As the situation unfolds, one thing is clear: the fate of Doliprane, a household name in France, hangs in the balance. The French government, Sanofi, and stakeholders must carefully consider the implications of such a move to ensure that the country’s pharmaceutical sector remains strong and competitive.


[1] Ibuprofene Zentiva 400mg. (n.d.). Farmacia Loreto. Retrieved from

[2] DOLIPRANE 1000 mg 8 capsule Sanofi aventis



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