Pappas Announces “No Run for President” at TIF: Key Takeaways on Kasselakis

Pappas Announces “No Run for President” at TIF: Key Takeaways on Kasselakis

Press conference of the head of K.O. of SYRIZA-PS Nikos Pappas in the context of the 88th TEF.

Mr. Pappas represents SYRIZA at the TIF due to the dismissal of Stefanos Kasselakis from the presidency of the party, after the meeting of the Central Committee.

Before taking questions, Nikos Pappas made an introductory statement, launching an attack on the government with references to the Census, fires and accuracy. He then referred to SYRIZA’s proposals for strengthening citizens’ income and housing.

In response to a question about whether he will be a candidate for president in SYRIZAreplied: “There is no such intention and talk.”

Regarding Stefanos Kasselakis, he replied that all offices are revocable, including that of the president. “We will all respect the statute and proceed to a new election».

“It makes me optimistic that we have political decisions, statutes, and of course political responsibility and I am sure and I deeply believe that we will prove this,” said the president of the SYRIZA-PS Committee of the People, Nikos Pappas, when asked about the internal party situation and the next steps steps of SYRIZA.

In response to the question of what will be done with the issue that arose a while ago, in which – according to the question – Mr. Kaselakis revoked the authorization he had given to Mr. Mavrokephalidis and no financial transaction can be made, Mr. Pappas he replied: “I have to refer you to the latest decision of the Political Secretariat, nothing else.”

Asked what will happen to the party’s media workers, he called on friends and members of SYRIZA, both media, progressive citizens, to financially support the media in which SYRIZA is a shareholder. “It is of great value to have a strong voice of the Left in the media and of course we will exhaust every margin so that the accrued wages are paid and there is no pending issue”, he noted. He added that he is able to say “that the doctrine of zero borrowing will also be broken”. He emphasized that SYRIZA has not borrowed at all and that “a loan that will help us close pending issues and reconstruct the means of the party in a reliable way, I think is something we are considering and we should very soon proceed”.

“We have been submitting for months a complete proposal to combat precision which records a network of measures: The taxation of surplus profits with a simultaneous reduction of indirect taxes and of course the valuation of profits for the large energy groups and refineries, the control of prices in the entire chain both in import and wholesale”, Mr. Pappas pointed out when asked about SYRIZA’s proposals regarding the fight against precision. “I’ve been amazed at the way the conversation has been conducted from this point on. ND reacted as if we are the only country in which the measure of reducing indirect taxes is proposed or applied”, he commented, among other things.

As for which progressive forces could come together in a front, he said that the collective decision of SYRIZA says that “we want to collapse a progressive electoral front” and “you realize that a major political event can occur if a stable, a cooperation on strong foundations with the PASOK party”. “I think PASOK is faced with choices, it has not managed to shed the image of a party from which Mr. Mitsotakis can draw executives every now and then and I think it is also at a crossroads: It will be a force that will keep him the character or will it work in another way and contribute to an alternative progressive solution?”, underlined the president of the SYRIZA-PS KO.

For the MPs of the New Left there is a big thorn, a moral and political wound

“It was a clean result, there are provisions in our statute for everything and I think that steps can and should be taken from all sides to calm and politicize the debate,” said N. Pappas, when asked what in his opinion played a role and there were 163 “yes” in the KE in favor of the motion of censure against St. Kasselakis.

“Everyone has something to offer, the party to achieve its goals must be an effective combination of both the accumulated experience and the freshness of which one more is needed to develop, build its alliances and win a majority,” he said.

On the question of whether the way is opened for the return of MPs who left the party, such as the MPs who formed the New Left, if St. Kasselakis, said that “for the MPs of the New Left there is a big thorn and the big thorn is that there were withdrawals and unfortunately they also took the seats under contest and some left. This is not a good condition for discussions and convergence, it is a moral and political wound.”

Asked if the potential progressive cooperation he is talking about also concerns PASOK, regardless of the person who will be elected as its leader, Mr. Pappas said, among other things, that “we are following the developments in PASOK” and that SYRIZA has described in its collective decision the question of the grand electoral progressive cooperation and alliance. “Consequently the question concerns others and it is obvious that the foundation of such a practice or such initiatives should exist both in society and in the Parliament…” he said among others.

SYRIZA lives in the wake of the unfavorable result of 2023

There is no issue with the candidacy of Kasselakis for the leadership of the party, as the president of the KO of SYRIZA, Nikos Pappas, stated during the press conference held in the context of the 88th TIF. “Furthermore, SYRIZA has a statute that clearly stipulates that all powers and positions are controlled and revocable. I invite you to read it. I refer you to the decisions of the collective bodies. I’m sure the cool voices will prevail. We will proceed to a democratic election. I will refer you to the decision of the PG and KE that brought concrete results. I am sure that we will all respect the procedures and proceed to a democratic election”, he added.

Regarding the eventual return of Alexis Tsipras, Mr. Pappas noted: “Alexis Tsipras is the historic leader of the party, the party during his days utilized its ideological and political arsenal. Let him not be invoked and misinterpreted. He is a capital for the country and the Left, he has international influence and we all have to stick to his public positions”.

With regard to the upheavals in the official opposition party, he emphasized that “it is clear that SYRIZA is, unfortunately, living in the wake of an unfavorable result, in the spring of 2023. SYRIZA will democratically proceed with the process to elect its leadership.”

Regarding the election of the President of the Republic and to a question whether SYRIZA will support Mrs. Sakellaropoulou or Mrs. Angelopoulou, he answered: “I think that recent political experience and our history show that it is good to have people in the highest state office with displacement and political experience. Our own faction has shown that it can go beyond. Why not nominate an executive from the Left and the progressive space? Is Mr. Mitsotakis in a position to overcome it?”

Also, Mr. Pappas pointed out that there is no question of deleting Stefanos Kasselakis and added: “In SYRIZA there are no hoodlums, there are fighters of the democratic faction, we have our statutes and we proceed with that.”

Regarding the cooperation of the progressive forces, he answered using the example of France: “In France, the possibility of the cooperation of the progressive forces seemed remote. But after the elections the parties that were related ended up working together. However, the parties are competitive formations and claim the vote of the citizens.”

Regarding the removal of Stefanos Kasselakis, he reiterated that “the SYRIZA statute does not have irrevocable and auditable powers. Nothing original happened, it’s something that was foreseen by our statute.”

SYRIZA is a party that claims to govern

“There is no such talk at the moment, we have channeled all our energies into fulfilling the tasks assigned to us and this does not only concern my person but everyone. “Well, there is no such conversation”, answered Nikos Pappas, when asked, in the context of the press conference at the 88th TIF, if he will be a candidate for the party’s presidency.

Asked if SYRIZA remains a governing party, he said that “SYRIZA is a party that claims governance, it claims to build the alliances that will form the competitive pole against New Democracy. The need to form such a pole becomes even more imperative in light of the rapid deterioration of the Mitsotakis government. Because we saw that after the European elections, we had our own developments, the deterioration of the N.D. it was something I didn’t expect to have such a scale.” He added that in the light of these developments, our responsibilities and those of all the other progressive forces multiply. He said that “we have also described the initiatives that we will take at the level of society, at the parliamentary level and at the central political level and it is the ultimate responsibility of those forces who really mean that they want a progressive turn in the country”. On the occasion of the elections to the Chambers, he commented that it would be desirable to form progressive fronts that would win the majority.

“PPC is a pioneer under the Mitsotakis government in the race to increase energy prices, here there must be one with a front against accuracy,” he said in another question. He added that SYRIZA too early without trying to discover America to bring the wheel back formulated a series of proposals that had already rushed from 2022 and based on the announcement of the Commission then to be adopted by other countries. “And profits must be taxed and profit valuation must be introduced and we must dare to bring PPC back under public control so that prices are pushed down and not just skyrocketing the golden boys’ fees,” he stressed.

The country needs a big progressive change

“We address the citizens of Greece and say clearly that the country needs a big progressive change”, said the president of the SYRIZA PS Committee, Nikos Pappas, during his introductory statement at the press conference he is holding in the context of the 88th International Exhibition of Thessaloniki , at the Vellideo Conference Center.

This, he emphasized, “so that we don’t watch millions of hectares of forests burn every year and the fires stop either in the sea or in the residential fabric. So that the images of the hundreds of thousands of tons of dead fish do not dominate the television screens as we saw a few days ago in Pagasitikos. So that critical infrastructures are not left to their fate and the country does not experience tragedies like the crime of Tempe. So that fundamental rules of the rule of law are not violated, so that ministers, heads of the Armed Forces, businessmen, political leaders and administration officials are not illegally monitored. So that ELSTAT does not announce for the next few years that births in our country are tens of thousands less than deaths. To keep the hospitals and the heroic staff who work there from collapsing. So that we are not the last country in the purchasing power of workers in Europe, so that we are not champions in the cost of energy, so that half the people of this country do not need half the income just to be housed. So that 95% of Greek businesses are not excluded from the NSRF and bank lending…”.

All of the above, argued Mr. Pappas, are the results of the choices and policies of Mr. Mitsotakis. “But it is not the inevitable fate of the Greek people,” he said.

#SYRIZA #Pappas #TIF #presidential #candidate #Kasselakis

– What are Nikos Pappas’ key proposals for strengthening citizens’ income and housing as discussed in the press ⁣conference?‍

Press Conference of Nikos Pappas: SYRIZA’s ⁤Proposals ⁣and ‍Internal Affairs

In the context ​of the 88th Thessaloniki International Fair (TEF), Nikos Pappas, the head of the Central Committee of ‍SYRIZA-PS, held a press‌ conference, addressing various topics, including the party’s proposals for strengthening citizens’ income and housing,‍ internal party affairs,​ and potential progressive cooperation.

Attack on the⁣ Government

Before taking questions, Pappas launched an⁣ attack on the government,‍ referencing the Census, fires, and accuracy. He ‌emphasized the need for SYRIZA’s proposals to ‌be implemented, focusing ⁤on strengthening citizens’ income and housing.

Internal Party Affairs

When asked about his intentions to run​ for⁢ president in SYRIZA, Pappas categorically ​denied any such plans, stating, “There is⁣ no such intention and talk.” Regarding Stefanos Kasselakis, he replied that all offices are revocable, including that of the president, and that ‍SYRIZA will respect its statute and proceed to‌ a new election.

Pappas expressed optimism about the party’s future, citing political decisions, statutes, and political responsibility. When asked about the internal party situation and next steps, he emphasized the importance of ​respecting ​the party’s statute and proceeding with a new election.

Financial Support for Media Workers

In response to a question about the party’s media workers, Pappas called⁣ on friends and ‍members of SYRIZA, as well as progressive citizens,⁢ to financially support the‍ media outlets in which SYRIZA‌ is a ​shareholder. He ‍stressed the importance of‌ having a strong​ voice of the Left in the media‍ and ensuring that accrued wages are ⁣paid.

Proposals for⁣ Combating Precision

When asked ‍about SYRIZA’s proposals for ​combating precision, Pappas outlined a comprehensive plan, including the ‌taxation of surplus profits, a reduction of indirect taxes, and the valuation of profits for large energy groups and refineries. He criticized the government’s reaction to these proposals, stating that⁣ SYRIZA’s⁣ measures are aimed ‌at benefiting citizens.

Progressive Cooperation

Pappas emphasized the importance of forming a progressive electoral front, citing SYRIZA’s collective decision to collaborate with other parties.⁣ He highlighted the potential⁤ for cooperation with ‌the‌ PASOK party, stating that⁤ they are faced with ⁣choices and must ⁣decide⁤ whether to maintain their current character or contribute to an alternative progressive solution.

The Case of the New⁢ Left

In response to‌ a question about the potential return of MPs ​who left​ the ‍party,⁢ Pappas acknowledged⁤ the moral and​ political wound caused by their departure. ⁢He stressed that⁤ the party must be an effective combination of experience ⁤and freshness, and that everyone‌ has something to offer.

SYRIZA’s Future

Pappas addressed the issue of SYRIZA’s living in the wake of the ‍unfavorable result of 2023. He stated that there is no issue with Kasselakis’ ⁢candidacy for the leadership of the party, and​ that SYRIZA will focus on implementing ‌its proposals and respecting its statute.

the press conference highlighted SYRIZA’s commitment to proposing solutions for the benefit of citizens, its internal party affairs,⁢ and its desire for progressive cooperation. As the party moves forward, it is clear that ​Nikos Pappas will play a key role in shaping its ⁤future.

Optimized Keywords: Nikos Pappas, SYRIZA, Press Conference, Thessaloniki International Fair,⁣ Internal Party Affairs, Progressive⁣ Cooperation, Combating Precision, ‍Stefanos Kasselakis, PASOK, New ​Left.

Impact of its policies on ordinary citizens and proposing measures aimed at enhancing their income.

SYRIZA’s Nikos Pappas Holds Press Conference at 88th TIF, Discusses Party’s Future and Cooperation with Progressive Forces

In the context of the 88th Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF), Nikos Pappas, the head of SYRIZA’s Central Committee, held a press conference to address the party’s current situation and future plans. Pappas, who represented SYRIZA at the TIF due to the dismissal of Stefanos Kasselakis from the party’s presidency, took questions from journalists and provided insights into the party’s stance on various issues.

Attacks on the Government and Proposals for Strengthening Citizens’ Income

In his introductory statement, Pappas launched an attack on the government, referencing the



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