Papillomavirus vaccine in humans: age, effectiveness, side effects

2021-05-04 12:41:34

How are papillomaviruses (HPV) transmitted?

HPV infections are almost always transmitted through sexual contact, with or without penetration. The majority of young girls or boys therefore catch one or other of the viruses in this family at the start of their sexual life. Unlike other sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia or gonococcus, for example), these viruses are eliminated 9 times out of 10 without leaving a trace. But for the remaining 10%, the complications are far from negligible since they can be responsible for cancers. The most common being cancer of the cervix, which is why HPV vaccination has been recommended for young girls since 2006.

The condom is not enough to protect once morest HPV infections. It is a very good way to avoid sexually transmitted infections, but it is less effective once morest HPV. ” These are present on the skin also and conveyed by caresses or sex toys”, specifies Dr. Péré, virologist specializing in HPV at the Georges Pompidou Hospital, Paris.

What diseases can HPV cause in men?

THE HPV that where said low risk of cancer can cause genital wartsthat is to say annoying and contagious warts, or voice disorders (hoarseness, broken voice, extinction).

THE high-risk HPV can cause mouth cancer (basic language in particular), throat (pharynx et larynx), anus and penis.

“Men are more particularly sensitive to HPV infection, their natural immunity being probably less effective,” emphasizes Dr. Hélène Péré.

According to a study published in August 2023 in The Lancet Global Health, 31% of men over the age of 15 are affected by a papillomavirus, and 21% of a high-risk HPV. Men are particularly affected between the ages of 25 and 29, but also significantly before the age of 20 and up to the age of 50. “Sexually active men, regardless of age, are a important reservoir of genital HPV infection “, confirms the study (source 1).

1,750 new cases of cancers masculins HPV are induced each year in France, including around 1,000 from the oropharynx (Haute Autorité de Santé, December 2019).

Undetectable precancerous lesions in men

Another difficulty encountered with Boy’s HPV infections : precancerous lesions cannot be detected, like what is done for the female cervix with smear. HPV infections are asymptomatic and when the viruses persist, the first lesions occur years following infection.

“The possibilities of screening for these cancers are obviously unequal, since there is no screening for cancers of the anus, penis or ENT unlike cancers of the cervix”, regrets Professor Philippe Descamps.

Is the HPV vaccine effective?

It effectively prevents anogenital warts and the precancerous lesions of the anus. As in young girls, its effectiveness is maximum if vaccination is done before the start of sexual life.

“As regards specifically male cancers, theAustralia which vaccinates almost all boys since 2013 is a pleasing example: HPV infections have practically disappeared there,” observes Professor Descamps. These infections have decreased by 70% in Denmark or Sweden, which have encouraged vaccination. Viruses circulate much less, which protects girls and boys: we get a herd immunity, direct because one is vaccinated, and indirect, since the virus is less present. The vaccination rate in France is much too low (barely 30% of young girls are vaccinated) to reduce the transmission of papillomaviruses.

Is HPV vaccination safe? What risks?

420 million doses have been distributed worldwide and no “safety signal” has been notified. The cases of autoimmune disease, multiple sclerosis in particular, are not more numerous whether or not one has been vaccinated. The increased risk of neurological syndrome (of Guillain Barré) is not confirmed by recent international clinical studies.

At what age should your son be vaccinated? How much does it cost ?

Vaccination with the nine-valent vaccine (Gardasil 9) East refunded. It is indicated for boys and girls from 11 to 14 years old (2 doses spaced 6 months apart), before the first sexual encounters. Catch-up is possible from 15 to 19 years of age (3 doses at 0, 2 and 6 months).

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