Papal foot washing for prison inmates |

On Maundy Thursday, Pope Francis performed the ritual washing of the feet of twelve prison inmates in a Roman women’s prison. In the late afternoon, Francis celebrated mass in the Rebibbia prison in memory of the last supper of Jesus.

For the rite of washing the feet, Francis was pushed in a wheelchair in front of a platform on which the twelve women sat. While sitting, the 87-year-old church leader washed and kissed the feet of the visibly moved women, following Jesus’ gesture of humility to his disciples. Because the Pope is in poor health, it was actually expected that a priest would wash the women’s feet in his place.

In his short homily at the service in an improvised chapel in the prison courtyard, the pope spoke about the theme of forgiveness. “Jesus always forgives, he only asks that we ask for forgiveness.” Every person has their own story, “but Jesus is always waiting for us and never tires of forgiving.”

Numerous female prisoners, guards and prison chaplains took part in the simple celebration with guitar accompaniment. The intercessions also included prayers for those people who committed suicide in prison.

The Rebibbia prison in eastern Rome is the largest of Italy’s four women’s prisons. With around 350 inmates, the prison, like many others in the country, is constantly overcrowded. There are 2,000 convicted criminals in the neighboring men’s prison.

The Easter Triduum, the commemoration of Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection, begins with the Maundy Thursday service. Pope Francis wants to personally lead all Holy and Easter services in the Vatican in the coming days. As last year, he leaves many liturgical activities to the cardinals.


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