Papa: Do not let the oil of faith run out in the lamps

On August 26, 140 members of the De Mello family from Portugal visited the Vatican with the Pope. Papa said this in an emergency.

C. Rubini CTC, Vatican News

Noting that the Pedro Maria Guimarães de Mello family is a large and united family, the Pope thanked them for their witness of love for the Church and their pilgrimage to the tomb of Saint Peter.

The Mello family is a Christian family. The family has a history of more than 100 years dedicated to social responsibility, with very strong ties to the Portuguese Catholic University. The family of 12 brothers employs more than a thousand people as they work to develop their business for a better world.

Noting that faith in Jesus brought them to the Vatican and brought them together, the Pope revealed that it is beautiful to see a family united and strengthened by the gift of faith.

The Pope said that when he sees the De Mello family and thinks of families like theirs, Psalm 133 comes to mind and the oil mentioned there is a beautiful picture of the joy of being in the community of unity, but the Pope also reminded us that the oil is a symbol of faith that strengthens our relationships and enables unity in families, the Church and the world through the Holy Spirit. “Don’t let your lamps run out of oil of faith,” the Pope encouraged them.

Prayer helps us keep faith alive. The oil of faith is preserved by turning our thoughts often to the Lord. It helps us to look to the Crucifixion and fix our gaze on Jesus. This is a beautiful way to pray. Papa explained

Inviting them to go forward in their journey of faith as a family and as individuals, the Pope said, trusting in the goodness of the Lord and the protection of the Holy Mother, who is much revered in Fatima, the Pope said he invites them to go forward in their journey of faith.

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