Paolo Hurtado threatens his still wife Rosa Fuentes after ampay with Jossmery Toledo: “Let the war begin”

2023-04-18 17:25:57

Jossmery Toledo and Paolo Hurtado once again find themselves in the eye of the storm when they are caught kissing again. Meanwhile, the soccer player’s still wife, Rosa Fuentes, criticized the athlete’s behavior from her Facebook account and sent strong chats to Magaly Medina.

«I want you to know that I am fine, I already found out about the news that is going to come out, thanks for the concern, the calls and the messages. I’m not surprised, they are 2 people who have no shame and even a little respect for children and a pregnant woman. They are such for which, “wrote the woman on her social network.

It didn’t end there, as Fuentes aired some private chats through the program ‘Magaly TV, la firme’. In fact, the television presenter read the threatening messages that the flyer decided to send to the mother of her children for exposing him after his ampays with the former national police.

“Let the war begin. Let’s go with everything now and may the best man win. Sell ​​the watches you stole from me, let them last, but we’re going to war together,” the popular “Caballito” began by saying. Seconds later, Hurtado continued with her threat: “Just as you talk about her, I’m going to tell her everything so she can come out and talk. I’m not going to look bad, do you want to play dirty? Okay”.

Hurtado begged for his wife’s forgiveness
Despite his first ‘ampay’ with Jossmery Toledo, the midfielder tried to reconcile with Rosa Fuentes, according to Medina. “I’m going to show you these conversations that indicated that Paolo Hurtado was looking for a new opportunity with his wife, even if you don’t believe it,” said ‘Urraca’.

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