Paolo Guerrero misses a goal against Inter and throws a tantrum inside the goal VIDEO Avai FC | Brazilian | SPORTS

Paolo Guerrero he returned to be a starter this Monday with the Avail FC against his former International team Porto Alegre and during the first minutes of the match against the ‘colorados’ he wasted an opportunity under the three posts of the visiting goal in the hangover that generated an impressive tantrum that was the subject of comment by the ESPN reporters.

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The ‘Predator‘ began with great mobility and was active during the first few minutes and the clear play for the Peruvian striker would come around 19 minutes when a play down the right wing called for his presence under the three posts, to add it, but the Peruvian striker arrived late to Quote.

The reaction of Paolo Guerrero It was from frustration and he unleashed a real tantrum inside the goal of the international, hitting the nets, the pole and getting upset with himself. Paolo couldn’t, he hits pineapples (punches) to the nets. He knows what has been lost. The forward vice of the goal and understands that a golden opportunity has been lostexpressed the story of ESPN 2.

Paolo Guerrero misses a goal and throws a tantrum at Inter’s goal (ESPN Video)

Avail vs International: LA PREVIA

The actions will take place in the stadium hangover of Florianopolis and the referee Edina Alves Batista will be in charge of dispensing justice. At this time, the ‘Colorado‘ is in sixth place, scoring 36 points; while the ‘Lion of the island’ is in 17th place, with 23 units.

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Porto Alegre International suffered from a painful removal of the South American Cup, after the round of penalties against Melgar, at home. However, the team managed to recover in the local tournament, beating Fluminense 3-0, with goals from Fabricio Bustos, Alexandre Alemao and Carlos de Pena.

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Due to irregularity, those led by Bro Menezes They are far from the fight for the title, although they will not give up their arms yet. The objective will be to obtain a new victory on this day and thus reduce the advantage with Palmeiras, who is the only leader (49 points).


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