Hops.ID – A three-year marriage built by Syahrini and Barack Kingdom being tested with oblique gossip lately.
Netizens always highlight every activity and moment made by Syahrini alone or together with Barack Kingdom.
Even though he has left Indonesia far and settled abroad together Barack Kingdomin fact name Syahrini is still the prima donna in the world of entertainment in the country.
Lots of rumors circulating if Syahrini and Barack Kingdom in the near future will soon be divorced.
The reason is Syahrini until now, they have not provided children and grandchildren for the family Barack Kingdom.
Recently, Reino’s words went viral once more regarding the moment where he and Syahrini just got married.
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At that time, Reino, who was a Alex Reed star at an event, told a moment where he and Syahrini woke up late for breakfast.