PandaBuy leak. Polish accounts, names, surnames, rappers and popular people

The PandaBuy website has huge problems. 1.3 million accounts leaked. Including Polish ones.

A huge campaign is currently underway on the Polish Internet to track down people who bought on PandaBuy. Why? It turns out that you could easily buy fakes of very expensive brands there.

This is problematic for popular people because they bought in their names and surnames. There is quite a lot of data and you can easily determine whether a given rapper, YouTuber or streamer bought fake clothes.

Polish accounts leaked from PandaBuy

Lists with Polish accounts are already floating around the Internet and they are not difficult to find. The leak states:

  • User Name
  • Name
  • Last name
  • Phone number
  • Emial
  • Login
  • Full adress
  • details of the order

It is therefore easy to determine that Jan Kowalski bought a fake Air Max to a specific address. The result was that phone numbers and addresses of popular people were leaked. This is a really problematic issue because finding the entire list is relatively easy.

There is a lot of this data, all written in rows. Several Polish rappers have already been tracked down for ordering fake products and displaying them on their Instagrams. It’s only a matter of time before everything starts leaking.

For now, some people are still pretending that it wasn’t them, that someone was impersonating them, but the machine has already started. Where to find these lists? The easiest way is probably on website X, where there are a lot of different pages under the “PandaBuy” tag. You just have to be careful, because most of them are phishing scams – as is typical with such leaks.

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