Panda Vegetarian How did the bear panda become a vegetarian? Answer found – Science world – six million year old fossils lead to discovery of how pandas became vegetarian

The world of science has finally found the answer to how the panda became a vegetarian. The fossils of a panda that lived six million years ago helped researchers find the answer. The fossil was found in southwest China’s Yunnan province.

Fossils of the Ailuracto panda, which lived six to eight million years ago in China, helped the researchers make the discovery. It had a small digestive tract similar to that of carnivores, said Wang Xiaoming, curator of vertebrate paleontology at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.

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Wang Xiaoming says that the long thumb on the palm of the giant panda Ailuracto points to the possibility that it was a carnivore and a vegetarian. For about a century, researchers have known about the long finger on the panda’s hand, which is similar to that of a human. Bears have five fingers but no thumb.

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Pandas living in modern times break and eat bamboo with the help of their baby thumbs. Researchers say that pandas started breaking down bamboo for food when their thumbs were formed.

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Ailuracto panda fossils were found near the city of Shaotong in the north of Yunnan. Unlike modern pandas, Ailuracto has a long finger instead of a thumb.

Existing pandas spend up to 15 hours a day eating. A panda can eat at least 45 kg of bamboo per day. Although generally herbivores, pandas in the wild hunt small animals.


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