Panchi Nama

Panchi Nama

Life was good

It was a beautiful color

I used to fly in the fresh air,

He used to breathe in the open air

I used to fly, chattering, spreading my wings

Sometimes it goes up

Sometimes it comes down

Sometimes he would travel right, sometimes he would turn left

I used to sit on a thick tree, when the sun was strong

Then meet the flowers in the gardens,

As it was evening

Chew grain, drink water

They used to build a house out of straw

Every breath brings thanks to the Lord,

Days used to go by, laughing and smiling

Then it happened like this.

That lies in a trap

I was arrested

Far away in the city market

I was sold

They began to cut, then day and night, locked in a cage

My eyes were swollen from crying

I did the same, except patience

Couldn’t do anything, instead of coercion

I have come to terms with the situation.

That cage is my home, I understood

The crumbling life was still good

The shop I was in was not open today

There was no noise in the market, there was no commotion

The anxiety was increasing, every passing moment

Empty stomach in that house

Why would you get something in the evening!

Food was available in the morning

I was in the shop of the market

There was darkness everywhere

There was neither millet nor water

The day passed like that

Eat food, drink water

The same thing happened the other day

The lock shop is not open

It was getting up, not going away

I sat on one side of the cage

The darkness was just getting dark

Throat was dry due to thirst

Dane, the stomach was empty from the sting

It was always dark in this shop

There was a cage of all kinds, devoid of light

Then suddenly. . . The eyes were closed

My whole body was numb

There was only a few breaths left

What was the fault? . . I was innocent!

Harmless too, faithful!

I don’t know why it was punished

Eyes closed in front

There were scenes of good memories

Remember those memories

The head was tilted to one side

I am of five open spaces

Death had died of helplessness

Yes. I was”dead”!!

#Panchi #Nama
2024-07-25 19:49:00

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