Pancasila University Inaugurates Six Officials in Campus Environment


Pancasila University (UP) inaugurated six officials in the university environment. This is an effort to make UP a superior campus to be great. “The inaugurated officials are getting slimmer. Vice rectors who previously numbered 4 have become only 2,” said UP Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Marsudi Wahyu Kisworo, IPU in Jakarta, Monday (2/9).

He said, a fat organization will increasingly overlap, so currently a lean organization is needed to be more efficient.

The Chancellor said that from 4 to 2 vice chancellors, but for their functions, they remain, only their positions are lost. He hopes that with a great campus, Pancasila University can be better known internationally. “So we want many international students to study here (UP campus),” he said.

The six new officials are First, Prof. Dr. Ir. Arissetyanto Nugroho, MM as Vice Chancellor for Learning, Student Affairs and Alumni of Pancasila University. Second, Ir. Handrito Hardjono, MM., MPA., MSM as Vice Chancellor for Resources, Pancasila University. Third, Dra. Diennaryati Tjokrosuprihatono, M. Psi, Psychologist as Secretary of Pancasila University. Fourth, Prof. Amin Soebandrio, dr., Ph. D., SpMK (K) as Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Pancasila University. Fifth, Prof. Dr. Iha Haryani Hatta, SE., MM as Head of the Planning and Development Agency of Pancasila University. And Sixth, Dr. Nurmala Ahmar, SE., M. Si., Ak., CA as Head of the Quality Assurance Institute (LPM), Pancasila University.

In addition, Prof. Dr. Tri Widiastuti, SE., Ak., MM., CA was also inaugurated as the Head of the Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI), Pancasila University by the chairman of the Pancasila University Education and Supervisory Foundation, Gen. TNI (Ret.). Agum Gumelar, SH., M. Sc.(RO)

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