Panama-US agreement facilitates the return of migrants from Colombia, Ecuador and India

Starting next Saturday, irregular migrants from Colombia, Ecuador and India who arrived in the country Panamanian After crossing the Darien, they will be returned to their countries of origin, within the framework of a Panama-US agreement.

On August 20, a flight financed by the United States, as agreed in the bilateral agreement signed on July 1, departed Panama bound for Medellín, transporting some thirty deported Colombian migrants.

Panamanian President José Raúl Mulino announced on Thursday the schedule for the next return flights for migrants, indicating that there will be flights to Colombia from August 24 to 30.

“On August 29, 18 migrants will be sent to Ecuador, on Friday, August 30, 30 more to Colombia, and on September 3, 70 to India,” MulinO said.

He also stressed that the return of Chinese nationals to their country is planned, although no specific date has been set.

The head of the National Migration Service (SNM), Roger Mojica, reported that the Panamanian government is coordinating diplomatic agreements with countries such as Ecuador, India and other nations, to repatriate citizens of those countries who enter Panama illegally through Darien, both those with criminal records and those without.

More than 230,000 irregular migrants, mainly Venezuelans, have entered Panama so far this year after crossing the jungle, according to data provided by the head of the Immigration Office.

Since diplomatic relations between Panama and Venezuela have been suspended due to the post-election situation in the latter country, Mojica said that there are no plans to return the Venezuelans identified in the migratory flow, who are allowed to continue.

Panama-USA Agreement

According to Marlen Piñeiro, a U.S. security official, most people who arrive in the United States after crossing the Darien will not qualify to enter the country.

Panama and the United States signed an agreement on July 1 to return migrants who cross the Darien, the jungle bordering Colombia that is facing a crisis due to the migratory flow, which last year reached 520,000 people, an unprecedented figure.

(With information from EFE)

Panama-US agreement to return migrants crossing the Darien.

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#PanamaUS #agreement #facilitates #return #migrants #Colombia #Ecuador #India
2024-08-25 09:17:10



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