Pan Meng’an Scandal: Political Connections and Business Collusion Exposed

2023-12-03 16:57:15

last yearnine-in-one electionLater, former county magistrate of Pingtung CountyPan Meng’anBefore joining the cabinet, he chose to join the Democratic Progressive Party as a presidential candidate.Lai QingdeTeam, serving as the campaign director-general, dedicated to Lai Fu’s election.However, KMT legislatorsWang HongweiAfter receiving the news, after Pan Meng’an went north to assist in the election, he moved into the mansion named “Liqi Yupin” in Wanhua, owned by Yang Zong, the chairman of the green energy manufacturer “Lineng Energy Technology”. The asking price per unit was more than 50 million yuan.

Wang Hongwei will hold a press conference today to question the matter. According to information obtained by Wang Hongwei, Pan Meng’an originally lived in a hotel after moving north, but since May or June he has moved into the fifth floor of Liqi Yupin. According to the actual price login website, the house price in the past two years has been about 51 million to 566 million. About one million yuan. Since there is no place in Pan Meng’an’s property declaration, the title of the household shows that there are 53 square meters in total including public facilities, and there are two parking spaces on the fourth underground floor. The owner is Yang Zong.

According to investigations, Yang Zong is both the chairman of Li Neng Energy and the legal representative of Tianfang Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Lineng Energy has expanded its photovoltaic business in Pingtung County in recent years, while Tianfang Energy is a related business of Liqi Construction under Lili Group.

Wang Hongwei questioned that as Lai Qingde’s right-hand man, it would be inappropriate for Pan Meng’an to accept support from a consortium. What’s more, when Pan was serving as Pingtung County Magistrate, Tianfang and Lineng, the energy companies of Lili Group, were also developing photovoltaics in Pingtung. He has a close relationship with Pan; whether there is collusion between politics and business should be examined, and Pan Meng’an should also make it clear. She questioned that the generals around Lai Qingde were closely related to the consortium, “Is he treating Pan Meng’an as a white glove?”

Pan Meng’an did not respond yesterday

In response to Wang Hongwei’s questioning of the relationship between the two parties, Pan Meng’an did not respond yesterday. However, it is understood that after Wang Hongwei’s press conference ends today, Pan Meng’an will explain.

Liqi Construction executives said that Liqi Construction does not have any blue-green or party background. Yang Zong did not know Pan Meng’an. It was Yang Zong who moved to a larger house in Xinzhuang because his child was getting married and the house was too small to accommodate the child’s marriage. Because Pan Meng’an had no place to stay in Taipei, he learned through friends that there was a house for rent on Juguang Road. It was Yang Zong’s house, and his assistant came forward to rent it.

Our reporter has repeatedly reported in the past two months that Pan Meng’an took a driver’s car to and from Liqi Yupin.

At 9:30 a.m. on October 30, Pan Meng’an’s silver-grey Lexus slowly drove out of the underground parking lot of Liqi Yupin. Avoiding the crowded rush hour between 8 and 9 o’clock, the car quickly turned left from Juguang Road to Zhonghua Road. Road, take Pan Meng’an to work.

In the past, Lili Group was regarded as a funder of the Democratic Progressive Party. In recent years, it has branched out into public utilities such as green energy, recycled water, and food waste recycling. The former head of the group, Guo Quanqing, was considered to have good relations with the new trend faction of the Democratic Progressive Party and was also involved in The Bian family was involved in a corruption case and later requested a plea bargain; legislator Lai Pinyu’s mother, Wu Ruping, was an independent director of Liqi Construction but later withdrew.

Liqi senior officials stated that the DPP’s rule has not brought any benefits to green energy companies, but they are always “pulled out and whipped every time there is an election.” They have made a solemn protest against being seen as a pro-green group again.

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