Pampita made a fierce criticism of the production of Bailando

2023-10-12 15:43:18

After fulfilling other work commitments, Pampita returned this Wednesday to her job on the jury of the Dancing 2023.

After the dance of Martu Morales and Yeyo de Gregorio, the model judged the couple and also the staging proposed by the production.

“There are things that I don’t like with many participants. “I didn’t like the costumes and the placement of the screens behind,” she said.

In addition, he pointed directly against the production of the program: “I think it looks like an afternoon program if it doesn’t have a whole set up of lights, cameras, and costumes. When I see him on camera, I see him poor. I want to see it higher up, more color, more brightness, the accompanying screen, more elements, more show.”

However, he clarified that “he loved the choreography of the participants,” so as not to question their talent and that his criticisms were external to it.

“The boys danced incredible, they are wonderful, they make a spectacular trio. I loved that they use the entire studio to see things that are new for us and for the people at home. The idea is very good,” she added.

Upon hearing the criticism, Marcelo Tinelli looked for the producer Federico Hoppe and asked him to take what the host proposed. “Of course, I agree with Caro. There are things that sometimes we don’t get to in time,” he concluded.

#Pampita #fierce #criticism #production #Bailando

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