Palestinian factions bless the Jerusalem operation: the resistance continues

“The process is already proving and saying that the unity of the squares is not just a slogan” (Getty)

I blessed Palestinian factionsToday, Sunday, the operation that took place at dawn today, near the Al-Buraq Wall in occupied Jerusalem, and resulted in the injury of eight people, while those factions confirmed that the operation came to confirm that the resistance continues, and that it comes in the context of the natural response to the crimes of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people.

The official of the media office of the movement said,Islamic JihadIn Palestine, Daoud Shehab, in a press statement, said that an operation shooting In Jerusalem, she confirmed that resistance is the approach of the Palestinian people, and that it represents a way of life under occupation, explaining that as long as the land remains occupied, the resistance will continue no matter how great the sacrifices.

Shehab added, “The heroic young man who carried out this operation announced with his cries and bullets that Jerusalem will say its word in response to the assassination of children and leaders in Gaza and Nablus, led by Tayseer al-Jabari, Khaled Mansour and Ibrahim al-Nabulsi,” stressing that the operation actually proves and says that the unity of the squares is not just a slogan.

Shehab stressed that the arrest of the perpetrator of the operation would not end the march of the resistance fighters, “but would put the enemy in trouble, due to the insistence of the Palestinian people to take the approach of guerrilla action, in response to the crimes of the occupation, and in rejection of its false presence on any inch of the land of Palestine.”

In turn, a spokesman for the movement said:agitationIn the city of Jerusalem, Muhammad Hamadeh, in a press statement, said that the Jerusalem process reflects the true picture of the reality of the Palestinian people, who adhere to the choice of resistance and are loyal to the will of the martyrs, led by Ibrahim al-Nabulsi.

Hamadeh stressed that this operation is a response to the crimes of the occupation in Gaza and Nablus, and that the Palestinian people are continuing their resistance and struggle against the occupier, with all means and methods that surprise the occupation.

Hamadeh said that “the operation destroyed all the bets of the occupation on stopping the extension of operations with the so-called “wavebreaker” operation, stressing that “the resistance is still burning, and the rebellious youth in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza are ready to resist this occupation.”

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As for “Popular Front for the Liberation of PalestineShe affirmed in a press statement, “This operation confirms once again that the resistance of the Palestinian people continues in all forms, and throughout the occupied Palestinian territory.”

And the “popular” stressed that “the operation came as a natural response from the Palestinian people to the escalating crimes of the occupation, starting from Gaza and Nablus, passing through the rest of the Palestinian cities and camps.”

In turn, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine affirmed, in a press statement, that “the Jerusalem operation is a natural response to the crimes of the occupation and the ongoing organized state terrorism against the Palestinian people, their land, their sanctity and their national rights everywhere.”

The statement added: “The Jerusalem operation is evidence that our Palestinian people, with their valiant resistance, are united in all fields of struggle and resistance, in the face of the crimes of the occupation and Israeli aggression, and to defend their land, sanctity, rights and national dignity.”

The Front added, “The prime minister of the occupation government Yair Lapid Presents his credentials to the community racism And the aggression in the occupying country as a war criminal, in its war and its aggressive crimes against our people, thinking that it can quell the resistance and intimidate our Palestinian people.”

The Democratic Front stressed that popular resistance In all its forms, it continues, and the occupation will not be able to extinguish its rising fire in the West Bank and Jerusalem Palestinian Authority To “respond to the people’s call and rise to the level of their steadfastness, steadfastness and solidity, including working with all forces in the field to form a unified national leadership for popular resistance,” according to the statement.

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