Palestine’s Future: Insights and Expectations from the Upcoming Arab Foreign Ministers Summit

The situation in the Palestinian territories tops the agenda of the Arab foreign ministers’ meeting, as well as the Arab plan to move towards a ceasefire and the entry of humanitarian and health aid to the Palestinian people, in light of the rise in the number of victims of the war on Gaza to nearly 41,000 dead, and nearly 95,000 wounded and injured, the majority of whom are children and women, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

The work of this session of the Foreign Ministers’ meetings will witness wide participation from those concerned with stopping the war in Gaza, including: the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, the Commissioner-General of UNRWA, Philippe Lazzarini, the Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Senior Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs and Reconstruction in Gaza, Sigrid Kaag, and the Turkish Foreign Minister, Hakan Fidan.

In this regard, experts spoke to RT about the support that the Arab foreign ministers’ meeting holds for the Palestinian cause, the implications of broad international participation in the meeting, and what concrete steps can the Arab ministers take to support the Palestinian cause?
Former Egyptian Deputy Foreign Minister Ambassador Ali Al-Hanafi said that the Arab foreign ministers meeting will discuss a number of Arab cooperation files and strengthening joint Arab action, with the Palestinian issue at the forefront of this session as the central Arab issue, in light of the ongoing Israeli war on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and the presence of an “extremist” Israeli government with a group of extremist ministers who reject any opportunity to stop the war and cease fire, and that government does not allow cooperation with mediators in Egypt and Qatar to reach a ceasefire deal.

He stressed that the Arab foreign ministers are well aware that the continuation of this situation carries a set of risks for the entire region, most notably the extension of the confrontation and the increase in the scope of the war, at a time when the region needs a state of stability, security and peace. However, the Israeli side has its own agenda that it is working towards and its plan to increase the annexation of Arab lands, all of which are completely far from the Arab vision that rejects that agenda and those Israeli plans.

Significance of participation and timing..

Cairo-based political science professor Dr. Tarek Fahmy told RT that the meeting of Arab foreign ministers has great significance and importance in terms of timing and attendance, as the main feature of this meeting is Turkey’s return and the attendance of Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, and what it represents as a qualitative shift in Arab-Turkish relations with Israel, especially since the Palestinian file is at the top of the files that the Arab League Council will discuss at the ministerial level.

Fahmy added that this large presence of international and UN institutions enables Arab countries to deliver a clear message that Arab countries have an international and global presence that enables them to mobilize globally to reject Israeli practices in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and the occupied Arab territories.

He expressed his hope that the meeting would come with an Arab initiative proposed by the Arab League, especially with the approaching UN General Assembly meetings, which is an indication of the timing, and that the active Arab countries in the Palestinian issue file (Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates and Algeria) would participate, which would enable the Arab League to record a unified position that could be presented during the UN General Assembly, so this meeting is extremely important in terms of the significance of participation and timing.

While Dr. Ahmed Youssef Ahmed, a professor of political science at Cairo University, believes that the meeting of Arab foreign ministers scheduled for Tuesday is a regular meeting, while if it were an emergency meeting amidst this large amount of international participation and the presence of representatives from the United Nations, the European Union, and the Turkish Foreign Minister, its message would have been stronger and more clear, but this broad international participation reflects the real desire to stop this war, and expands the scope of the demand to stop the war on an Arab, regional, and global level.

There is no qualitative shift in Arab positions.

He explained that the broad international participation in the Arab Foreign Ministers’ meeting, as announced by the Arab League, reflects the desire to reach a ceasefire and provide aid to the Palestinian people, but this still needs a real and effective translation on the ground, and that clear and specific decisions and actions be taken, even if they are simple, to express rejection of Israel’s policies and its brutal war on Gaza.

Regarding what the Arab foreign ministers can offer in favor of the Palestinian cause, the “Professor of Political Science” revealed that there is no indication of a qualitative shift in Arab positions, in light of the presence of Arab countries that have reservations about the Palestinian resistance, and other countries that support the resistance but it is verbal support and not practical support on the ground, and the absence of a tangible indicator of support for the Palestinian cause, such as Arab countries announcing an international initiative, or the existence of an intention by more Arab countries to show solidarity with the South African cause, or presenting a similar initiative or cause before international institutions, all of which confirms the absence of a qualitative shift in Arab positions towards the Palestinian cause.

Source: RT

#Experts #reveal.. #Arab #foreign #ministers #offer #Palestine #eve #meeting
2024-09-10 12:01:55

Human right Watch Palestine

The Arab Foreign Ministers’ Meeting: A Crucial Step towards Supporting the Palestinian Cause

The⁢ situation in the Palestinian territories has reached ‌a critical point, ⁢with the war on Gaza resulting in nearly 41,000 ⁢dead ⁣and 95,000 wounded and injured, ⁤the majority of whom are children and women. In response, the Arab ⁢foreign ministers are set to meet to⁤ discuss the Palestinian issue,⁣ with the Arab plan ‍to move towards a ceasefire and provide⁢ humanitarian and health aid to the Palestinian⁣ people at the top of the agenda.

This meeting is significant, not only because of the overwhelming international participation, but also‌ due to the timing. The ‍meeting will witness wide participation from those concerned with stopping the war in Gaza, including the High ​Representative of the ⁢European Union ⁤for Foreign Affairs, the Commissioner-General of UNRWA,​ the Under-Secretary-General of the ​United Nations, and the Turkish Foreign ⁤Minister. The presence of Turkey’s Foreign Minister, Hakan Fidan, is particularly noteworthy, as it represents a qualitative shift in Arab-Turkish relations with Israel [[3]].

Former Egyptian Deputy Foreign Minister Ambassador Ali Al-Hanafi emphasized that the Arab foreign ministers are well aware of the risks of continuing the current situation, which could lead to an extension of ⁤the confrontation and an increase in the scope of⁢ the war. He stressed that the Arab vision⁤ rejects Israel’s agenda and plans, and that the Palestinian issue is at the forefront of this session as⁣ the central Arab issue.

The meeting’s timing is crucial, as it coincides with the approaching UN ⁣General Assembly meetings. Dr. Tarek Fahmy, a Cairo-based political science professor, expressed his hope that the meeting ‍would come‍ with an Arab initiative proposed by⁣ the⁤ Arab League, which would enable the Arab ​League to​ record a unified position that could ‍be presented during the UN General Assembly. This meeting is ‌extremely‌ important in terms of⁢ the significance ⁤of participation ⁣and timing [[2]].

However,‍ Dr. Ahmed Youssef ‍Ahmed, a professor of political‌ science at Cairo University, ⁤believes‍ that the meeting’s‌ message would have been stronger and more clear if it were an emergency meeting amidst this large amount of international participation.⁤ Nevertheless, the broad international participation reflects the real desire to stop the‌ war and expands the scope of the demand to stop the war on an Arab, regional, and global level.

So, what can⁤ the Arab foreign ministers offer in favor of the Palestinian cause? While there is no indication of ⁢a qualitative shift in Arab positions, the meeting provides an opportunity for Arab countries to deliver a clear message that they have an international and global presence that ‍enables them to mobilize globally to ​reject Israeli ⁤practices in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and the ‌occupied Arab territories.

the Arab foreign ministers’ meeting⁣ is⁤ a crucial step towards supporting ‌the Palestinian cause. The meeting’s significance lies in its⁤ timing ⁤and participation, ⁢which reflects the real desire to stop the war and provide aid to the Palestinian people. The Arab foreign ministers must take concrete steps ‍to support the Palestinian cause,​ including⁤ proposing an ⁢Arab initiative and ⁣taking clear and specific decisions and actions to​ express rejection ‍of Israel’s policies and its brutal war on Gaza.





Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title: **Turkiye Attends Arab League Ministerial Meeting for First Time in 13 Years**:

Turkiye Attends Arab League Ministerial Meeting for First Time in 13 Years

In a significant development, Turkiye has ended its 13-year absence from the Arab League ministerial meeting, attending the council of Foreign Ministers in Egypt’s capital, Cairo, on September 10, 2024 [[3]]. This move marks a qualitative shift in Arab-Turkish relations, particularly with regards to the Palestinian issue, which is at the forefront of the agenda for this session[[[1]].

The meeting witnessed wide participation from various stakeholders, including the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, the Commissioner-General of UNRWA, Philippe Lazzarini, and the Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Senior Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs and Reconstruction in Gaza, Sigrid Kaag [[2]]. The Turkish Foreign Minister, Hakan Fidan, also attended the meeting, marking Turkiye’s return to the Arab League after a 13-year absence [[2]].

The Palestinian issue is a central concern for the Arab foreign ministers, with the ongoing Israeli war on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank taking center stage [[2]]. The meeting aims to discuss the Arab plan to move towards a ceasefire and the entry of humanitarian and health aid to the Palestinian people, who have suffered immense losses, with nearly 41,000 dead and 95,000 wounded and injured, the majority of whom are children and women, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health [[2]].

Former Egyptian Deputy Foreign Minister Ambassador Ali Al-Hanafi emphasized that the Arab foreign ministers are well aware of the risks associated with the continuation of this situation, including the extension of the confrontation and the increase in the scope of the war, at a time when the region needs stability, security, and peace [[2]]. He highlighted the need for Arab cooperation and joint action to address the Palestinian issue, which is a central concern for the Arab League.

Cairo-based political science professor Dr. Tarek Fahmy underscored the significance of Turkiye’s participation in the meeting, highlighting the qualitative shift in Arab-Turkish relations and the importance of international and UN institutions in mobilizing support for the Palestinian cause [[2]]. He expressed hope that the meeting would lead to an Arab initiative proposed by the Arab League, particularly with the approaching UN General Assembly meetings, which would enable the Arab League to record a unified position that could be presented during the UN General Assembly.

However, Dr. Ahmed Youssef Ahmed, a professor of political science at Cairo University, cautioned that there is no qualitative shift in Arab positions, and that the meeting, although significant, is still a regular gathering [[2]]. He emphasized that the broad international participation reflects the real desire to stop the war, but that a stronger message would have been conveyed if the meeting were an emergency gathering.

The Arab League ministerial meeting holds significant importance in terms of timing and participation, and it is hoped that the meeting will lead to concrete steps towards a ceasefire and humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people. As Turkiye returns to the Arab League after 13 years, the meeting marks a crucial moment in Arab-Turkish relations and the regional effort to address the Palestinian issue.







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