Palestine Seeks UN Support for Resolution Calling for an End to Israeli Occupation

New York – The Palestinian mission to the United Nations distributed an amended draft resolution to members of the General Assembly calling on Israel to end its illegal presence in the occupied Palestinian territory within no more than 12 months from the date of adoption of the resolution.

The text, which is due to be voted on on September 18, calls on states to comply with their obligations under international law and in accordance with the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice.

The amended Palestinian proposal raises the idea of ​​establishing an international mechanism to compensate for damages, losses and injuries resulting from Israel’s actions in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The amended Palestinian draft resolution calls for a conference of the parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War to enforce the Convention in the occupied Palestinian territory.

The text also talks about holding an international conference during the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly to implement international resolutions related to the Palestinian issue.

Al Jazeera’s correspondent indicated that the draft resolution is expected to be voted on during the tenth session of the General Assembly next Wednesday.

Last Monday, the Arab Group at the United Nations, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and the Non-Aligned Movement asked the General Assembly of the international organization to vote on a Palestinian draft resolution demanding that Israel “end its illegal presence in the occupied Palestinian territories within 6 months.”

The main objective of the draft resolution prepared by the Palestinian Authority is to confirm the advisory opinion issued by the International Court of Justice last July, which stated that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands and territories is illegal and that it must withdraw from them.

It is noteworthy that in 2014, a draft resolution submitted by Jordan to the Security Council failed to obtain the nine votes required to approve a draft resolution aimed at ending the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories within two years, after the United States used its veto.

It is noteworthy that Israel occupied the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem in 1967, and since then it has been building and expanding settlements in the West Bank.

Source: Al Jazeera

#Palestine #submits #draft #resolution #calling #Israel #occupation
2024-09-13 01:40:44

draft resolution on israel-palestine conflict

United Nations⁢ and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A New Resolution Amidst a Longstanding Dispute

The United Nations General Assembly is set ‍to‍ vote on a draft resolution‌ submitted by the ⁢Palestinian mission, calling on Israel to end its illegal presence in the occupied​ Palestinian territory within 12 months from the date of adoption of the resolution [1]. This development is the latest in a long series of United Nations resolutions and initiatives aimed at resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which has been ongoing ⁤for decades.

A Brief History of UN Resolutions on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

The United‍ Nations has been involved in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict since its inception. In 1948, the United Nations General ⁤Assembly adopted Resolution 43, which recognized the “increasing violence and disorder in Palestine” and requested that representatives of‍ “the Jewish and‍ Arab peoples and the United Kingdom” negotiate a settlement <a href="”>[2].‍ Later that year, the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was proposed, which recommended the creation of independent⁤ Arab and Jewish States linked economically, and a Special International Regime for the city of Jerusalem <a href="”>[3].

The Current Resolution: Key Provisions and Implications

The amended Palestinian draft resolution, expected to be voted on during the 10th session of the General Assembly, ​contains several key provisions. These include:

A ‍call ⁢for Israel to end its illegal presence in the⁤ occupied Palestinian territory within 12 months⁤ from the date of adoption of the resolution.

A request for states to comply with their obligations under international‍ law and in accordance with the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice.

The establishment of an international mechanism to‌ compensate ​for damages, losses, and injuries resulting from Israel’s actions in the occupied Palestinian territories.

A conference of the ​parties‌ to the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the ⁤Protection of Civilian Persons in Time‍ of War to enforce the Convention in the occupied Palestinian⁣ territory.

* An international conference during the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly ‌to implement international resolutions related to the Palestinian issue.

Context and Significance

The current resolution is significant in light ‍of the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the various ​United Nations resolutions that ⁣have been ​adopted over the years. The Palestinian ⁢Authority’s ‌main objective is to confirm the advisory⁢ opinion issued by the International Court of ‍Justice last July, ⁣which stated that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian⁤ lands and territories is illegal and that it must withdraw from them.

The resolution also comes‍ amid increased international pressure on Israel to end its⁢ occupation​ of Palestinian‌ territories. In ⁣2014, a draft resolution submitted by Jordan to the United Nations Security Council called for an end to the Israeli occupation within three years, but it was vetoed by the United States [1].


The United Nations has been actively involved in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict for decades, and the current resolution is the latest attempt to resolve ⁢this ⁣longstanding dispute. While the​ outcome of the vote remains uncertain, ‌the international community continues to push for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, which is essential for achieving peace ⁢and ⁤stability in the Middle East.

draft resolution on israel-palestine conflict

United Nations and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A New Resolution Amidst a Longstanding Dispute

The United Nations General Assembly is set to vote on a draft resolution submitted by the Palestinian mission, calling on Israel to end its illegal presence in the occupied Palestinian territory within 12 months from the date of adoption of the resolution [1[1]. This development is the latest in a long series of United Nations resolutions and initiatives aimed at resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which has been ongoing for decades.

A Brief History of UN Resolutions on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

The United Nations has been involved in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict since its inception. In 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 43, which recognized the “increasing violence and disorder in Palestine” and requested that representatives of “the Jewish and Arab peoples and the United Kingdom” negotiate a settlement[[



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