Pakistan’s New Legislation Criminalizes Unauthorized Gatherings in Islamabad with Harsh Penalties

President Asif Ali Zardari has signed the Peaceful Assembly and Public Order Bill 2024.

Sources of the National Assembly say that the Peaceful Assembly and Public Order Bill has become a law after being signed by the President. After the President’s signature, the summary was received by the National Assembly Secretariat and the Law on Peaceful Assembly and Public Order has come into effect immediately.

Sources further said that the National Assembly Secretariat has also sent a letter to MD Printing Corporation for gazette notification.

It should be noted that on Friday, after the Senate, the National Assembly also passed the Peaceful Assembly and Public Peace Bill in Islamabad by majority vote.

The Peaceful Assembly and Public Order and Election Act Amendment Bills were passed by the National Assembly after the Senate

On Friday, the National Assembly meeting was held under the chairmanship of Speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, in which Parliamentary Affairs Minister Nazir Tarar presented the Election Act Amendment Bill 2024 in the House for approval. The Speaker conducted a vote, after which the bill was approved by majority vote. This bill has already been approved by the Senate.

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Is there a bill on peaceful assembly and public order?

According to the Peaceful Assembly and Public Peace Bill in Islamabad, an unauthorized assembly or assembly will be punishable by three years imprisonment and a second illegal assembly or assembly will be punished with 10 years imprisonment.

In this regard, the Deputy Commissioner will give permission, if not, an appeal can be made to the Chief Commissioner and the District Magistrate will not allow the meeting anywhere else except in the designated area.

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The designated place of the meeting will be Mauza Sangjani or any other government-allocated area, while the police officer can disperse the meeting even after permission.

The government can declare a specific area of ​​Islamabad as red zone or high security zone.

#years #imprisonment #gathering #permission #Islamabad #signed #law #President #Pakistan
2024-09-09 18:44:00

Here are one PAA (Public Assembly Act) related question for the title: **President Signs Peaceful Assembly and Public ⁢Order Bill 2024 into ‍Law**:

President Signs Peaceful Assembly ‌and Public Order Bill 2024 into Law

In a significant development, President Asif Ali Zardari has signed the Peaceful Assembly and Public Order Bill ⁣2024 into law, regulating‌ public gatherings in Pakistan [[1]]. The⁢ bill, which was passed by the National Assembly with a majority vote, aims to empower district magistrates to regulate and ban public gatherings in Islamabad [[2]].

Background of the Bill

The Peaceful Assembly and Public ‌Order Bill ‌2024 was presented in the Senate of Pakistan on September 2, 2024, and approved by ‌the Senate Standing Committee ⁤ [[3]]. The bill was then passed by the National Assembly, following which it was sent to the President for signature. After receiving the President’s signature, the summary was received‌ by the National Assembly Secretariat, and‌ the ⁢law came ⁤into effect immediately.

Provisions of ⁤the Bill

According to the Peaceful Assembly and Public Peace Bill in Islamabad, an unauthorized assembly or gathering will be punishable ‍by three⁣ years imprisonment. A second illegal assembly or gathering will⁢ be punished with 10⁢ years imprisonment. The Deputy Commissioner will give permission for public gatherings, and if permission is denied, an appeal can‌ be made to the Chief Commissioner.

Concerns Over the Bill

Human rights activists⁤ and civil society organizations have⁤ expressed concerns over the bill, stating that it threatens the right to protest in Pakistan ​ [[3]]. The bill has been criticized⁢ for giving excessive powers to district magistrates and restricting the fundamental right to​ freedom ⁤of assembly and expression.


The⁤ signing of the Peaceful Assembly and ⁤Public Order Bill 2024 into law marks a ⁢significant development in Pakistan’s legal framework. While the bill aims to maintain public order​ and regulate public gatherings, it has raised concerns over its​ potential impact on the right to protest and freedom of expression.⁣ As the law comes ⁤into effect, it⁢ remains ⁢to be seen how ​it will be‍ implemented and its implications on Pakistan’s political and social landscape.





What are the key provisions of the Peaceful Assembly and Public Order Bill 2024 that empower district magistrates in regulating public gatherings in Islamabad?

President Signs Peaceful Assembly and Public Order Bill 2024 into Law

In a significant development, President Asif Ali Zardari has signed the Peaceful Assembly and Public Order Bill 2024 into law, regulating public gatherings in Pakistan [[1]]. The bill, which was passed by the National Assembly with a majority vote, aims to empower district magistrates to regulate and ban public gatherings in Islamabad [[2]].

Background of the Bill

The Peaceful Assembly and Public Order Bill 2024 was presented in the Senate of Pakistan on September 2, 2024, and approved by the Senate Standing Committee [[3]]. The bill was then passed by the National Assembly, following which it was sent to the President for signature. After receiving the President’s signature, the summary was received by the National Assembly Secretariat, and the law came into effect immediately.

Provisions of the Bill

According to the Peaceful Assembly and Public Peace Bill in Islamabad, an unauthorized assembly or gathering will be punishable by three years imprisonment. A second illegal assembly or gathering will be punished with 10 years imprisonment. The Deputy Commissioner will give permission for public gatherings, and if permission is denied, an appeal can be made to the Chief Commissioner.

Concerns Over the Bill

Human rights activists and civil society organizations have expressed concerns over the bill, stating that



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