Pakistan Braces for Impact: Warning Sounded on Looming Crisis, Draws Haunting Parallels to May 9 Carnage

Defense Minister Khawaja Asif says that after ten years, PTI has adopted the same conspiracy, in 2014 also a sit-in was held on the arrival of the Chinese President. On the other hand, the Minister of Information says that no one will be allowed to detonate near the red zone.

Speaking to the media in Islamabad on Saturday, Khawaja Asif said that armed groups are trying to target the country’s dignity, Afghans are also part of this group, the Indian foreign minister has been invited to the protest, never before. It has not doubted its Pakistaniness, this is the only party which is doubting its Pakistaniness.

Khawaja Asif said that they are inviting Jaishankar, so go to Delhi and hold a meeting.

The defense minister said that our lieutenant colonel and five soldiers were martyred yesterday. They were asked to protest after the SCO. They had also staged a sit-in on the occasion of the visit of the Chinese president. They will consider the attack as an attack on Pakistan, they have come preparing for an attack on Islamabad.

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‘No one will be allowed to explode near the red zone’

Federal Minister of Information Ataullah Tarar said that Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ali Amin uses official weapons against the Gandapur Federation.

While holding a news conference in Lahore, he said that why sit-ins or marches are being held? Because they never accepted the development of Pakistan and they don’t, they are twitching, they don’t sleep at night.

Army has been called for in various districts including Lahore

Federal Minister Atlat said that this is the same thing that was done in 2013. What is our behavior that Nawaz Sharif goes to Bani Gala and says that he will serve the country. We know that the President of China is coming but then Even in 2014, sit-ins started, the Chinese President’s visit was delayed for several months, the gift of 64 billion dollars he was supposed to give to Pakistan, came late.

Atta Tarar said, “Let me tell you clearly, no one will be allowed to sabotage the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit.”

He said that it is a matter of pride that after many decades the heads of state of 12 countries are coming to Pakistan, Islamabad is being decorated, those who come from outside should bring a good image of Pakistan.

He said that the SCO is being sabotaged, as it was done in 2014 by holding sit-ins, by the grace of Allah, no one will be allowed to flare up near the red zone, the SCO will function well. It will go smoothly.

‘Prime Minister KP is crossing all lines’, Home Minister warns of strict action

Atta Tarar alleged that the police of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have brought tear gas, millions of rupees of the people’s tax money have been spent on petrol, the private vehicles that are in their rallies, their petrol is also provided by the government. .

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Federal Minister of Information while reacting to Barrister Saif’s statement said that yesterday he has invited the Indian Foreign Minister to participate in his sit-in, SCOK and other countries are also there. Other countries are also coming, they would also be invited.

They said that on May 9 they went all the way, Alimah Khan, Noreen Khan, Uzma Khan outside the Corps Commander’s house, the nephew is hanging the uniform on a stick.

#attack #attack #Pakistan #Khawaja #Asif #Pakistan
2024-10-07 21:03:09



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