Pakistan and Mercosur Establish Innovative Trade Partnership through New Framework Agreement

The Federal Cabinet has approved the MoU for political relations and negotiations between Pakistan, Europe and the Foreign Ministry of Albania. While the signing of the Trade Framework Agreement between Pakistan and the Mercosur trade bloc was ratified. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif says that the US market can prove to be a good market for Pakistan.

A federal cabinet meeting was held under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, in which the federal cabinet approved the 9-point agenda.

During the meeting, it was approved to set the MoU for political relations and negotiations between the foreign ministries of Pakistan, Europe and Albania, while the cabinet also approved the extension of the tenure of Syed Junaid Akhlaq, chairman of the Federal Education Board, as the chairman of the board. gave

The federal cabinet also approved the purchase of land in Islamabad for the virtual university, but also approved the agreement between Pakistan and Turkmenistan between Gwadar and Turkmenbashi ports.

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During the meeting, the federal cabinet approved the strategy 2024 related to religious tolerance in Pakistan, while the federal cabinet also approved the interfaith harmony policy.

Later, the declaration of the federal cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif was issued. According to which the signing of the Trade Framework Agreement between Pakistan and the Mercosur trade bloc has been ratified.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif says that the US market can be a good market for Pakistan, so far the Pakistani economy has not been able to get the fruits of the market, all the agreements and memorandums of understanding related to the economy, which have not been worked on for a long time, are being speeded up. Work should be done.

Shahbaz Sharif expressed his satisfaction on the inflation rate reaching single digit in August and said that the efforts of the Ministry of Finance, State Bank and other relevant institutions to reduce inflation are worthy of praise, the burden of inflation is gradually reducing. We have to bring more stability to the economy, creating employment opportunities is our top priority.

#Ratification #signing #Trade #Framework #Agreement #Pakistan #Mercosur #trade #bloc #Pakistan
2024-09-07 00:07:11

New cabinet of Pakistan

Pakistan’s Federal Cabinet Approves Key Agreements: ⁢A Step Towards ​Strengthening ​International⁣ Relations

In a recent ‍federal cabinet‌ meeting chaired⁤ by ⁤Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, several crucial agreements were approved, signaling a significant step forward ‍in strengthening Pakistan’s international relations. The cabinet ⁤meeting, which approved a 9-point agenda, ⁤aimed⁢ to boost the⁤ country’s economy and forge stronger ties with European⁤ nations, the⁤ United States, and​ other regional partners.

MoU for Political Relations and Negotiations with ⁤Albania

One of the key approvals was⁣ the‌ Memorandum ‌of Understanding (MoU) for political relations‍ and negotiations between the foreign ministries of Pakistan,⁣ Europe,​ and Albania [[1]].⁤ This agreement is expected to pave‍ the⁢ way for enhanced‍ cooperation between the three countries,​ fostering‌ greater understanding and collaboration on various bilateral‌ and international issues.

Trade Framework Agreement with Mercosur Trade Bloc

In another significant‍ development, ⁤the federal cabinet ratified the signing of the Trade⁢ Framework Agreement⁢ between Pakistan and ⁤the ⁤Mercosur​ trade bloc [[3]]. This‌ agreement‌ is poised to open up new trade ‍opportunities for Pakistan,​ allowing the ⁢country⁢ to tap into ‌the vast markets ​of the Mercosur region, which includes nations such as Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay.

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif’s Vision for the ⁣US Market

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif expressed his optimism ​about the potential of the US market​ for ​Pakistan,⁤ stating‌ that it⁢ can prove to be a⁢ lucrative market for the ⁢country’s economy [[2]]. He emphasized the need to capitalize on‍ this opportunity, which can help Pakistan reap ⁤the benefits ‍of the agreements and memorandums of understanding signed with‌ the ‍US.

Other Key Approvals

During the meeting, the federal cabinet also approved several other key initiatives, including the extension ‍of the tenure of Syed ​Junaid Akhlaq, Chairman of the Federal Education Board, ⁢as the Chairman of the Board. Additionally, the⁢ cabinet approved ⁢the purchase of ⁣land‌ in Islamabad for the virtual university and the ​agreement between Pakistan and Turkmenistan for the ⁤development of the Gwadar and​ Turkmenbashi ports.

Strategy 2024 for Religious Tolerance⁢ and Interfaith ‌Harmony

The federal⁢ cabinet also approved the ⁤strategy 2024 related to religious tolerance in Pakistan, as well as the interfaith harmony policy. These initiatives aim to ⁤promote a culture of tolerance, understanding, ‍and peaceful coexistence among people‍ of different faiths​ and beliefs.


The federal cabinet’s approval‍ of these key agreements and ⁤initiatives ⁤marks a⁢ significant step‌ forward⁢ in Pakistan’s efforts to strengthen its international relations and bolster its economy. As the country navigates the​ complexities of⁤ global politics and economics, these developments are expected to have‌ a positive impact on Pakistan’s growth ⁢and development in ​the years to come.


<a href="”>[1]



New cabinet of Pakistan

Pakistan’s Federal Cabinet Approves Key Agreements: A Step Towards Strengthening International Relations

In a recent federal cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, several crucial agreements were approved, signaling a significant step forward in strengthening Pakistan’s international relations. The cabinet meeting, which approved a 9-point agenda, aimed to boost the country’s economy and forge stronger ties with European nations, the United States, and other regional partners.

MoU for Political Relations and Negotiations with Albania

One of the key approvals was the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for political relations and negotiations between the foreign ministries of Pakistan, Europe, and Albania [[1]]. This agreement is expected to pave the way for enhanced cooperation between the three countries, fostering greater understanding and collaboration on various bilateral and international issues.

Trade Framework Agreement with Mercosur Trade Bloc

In another significant development, the federal cabinet ratified the signing of the Trade Framework Agreement between Pakistan and the Mercosur trade bloc [[3]]. This agreement is poised to open up new trade opportunities for Pakistan, allowing the country to tap into the vast markets of the Mercosur region, which includes nations such as Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay.




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