Pain in the back and in the body… Physiotherapist or osteopath?

Do more physical activity than normal, make an uncontrolled movement or suffer trauma following an accident; so many motives that can be the cause of pain in the back and in the body.

However, what is the best way to treat these pains? Which health professional to choose? Between the physiotherapist and the osteopath, which is to be preferred?

Back pain! Between physiotherapist or osteopath, which remains to choose?

Also called Kinesiologist, the Physiotherapist focuses more on rehabilitation work. Following a fracture, on a damaged body, on muscles or joints (sprain, strain), it helps to considerably reduce pain through massage sessions. It is also called “massage therapy.” “.

On the other hand, the work of the osteopath is much broader! Its action is articulated on the whole body. For example, the osteopath feels the body as a whole in order to see the sensitive parts, subject to tension or imbalance. He will go further, this health professional will try at the same time to detect other illnesses or other possible inconveniences.

Therefore, if you have a clear idea about the real and known cause, as is the case of the sequelae of an accident, it is best at that time to go see the physiotherapist who will have the appropriate advice on the type of massage or exercises to apply. On the other hand, if the origin is not known, the osteopath will take the time to review all the parts of the body likely to interest him in order to detect the pain and find the solution.

Physiotherapy is in the paramedical field, while the osteopath is part of non-conventional medicine.

And despite this consideration, osteopathy allows, with work on all parts of the patient’s body, to relieve certain diseases such as depression, intestinal disorders such as heartburn, constipation, etc. For the osteopath, three sessions can be largely sufficient to remedy the initial problem, which is contrary to the physiotherapist who has a minimum of 10 sessions.

Therefore, it is interesting to specify that the work of the osteopath and the physiotherapist is complementary.

The following lines will give us an overview of the cases in which one should seek an osteopath and a physiotherapist.

When should you consult an osteopath?

If you find yourself in the following list, it is because you must surely consult an osteopath instead of a physiotherapist:

  • Restore sleep disorders.
  • Cure and prevent stress, anxiety.
  • Improve digestive or gastric problems (bloating, constipation).
  • Improve your blood circulation.
  • Heal skeletal problems.

It exists in certain situations to consult an osteopath and a physiotherapist at the same time.

When should you consult a physiotherapist?

A physiotherapist may be consulted for the following reasons:

  • Heal and relieve muscle or joint problems (back pain, torticollis, sciatica, sprains, low back pain).
  • Accident at home or at work.
  • Manage the musculoskeletal system.
  • Improve mobility disorders.
  • Improve breathing difficulties.
  • Recovering from the consequences of surgery.

What is teleconsultation?

In addition, it is good to note the progress of science which highlights physiotherapy sessions in teleconsultation.

This teleconsultation aims to save you time, but also to avoid major energy expenditure. Because constantly going to the physiotherapist for consultation presents several constraints. However, it is a session that requires a lot of adaptation and organization.

Its primary purpose is to check your mobility following the sequelae suffered, but also to see your ability to stretch. At the end, muscle strengthening sessions are prescribed in the form of a prescription; exercises that should always be practiced at home.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the advice of a health professional.

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