Padres belonging to Darvish decide to advance to the playoffs for the first time in two years.

Darvish leads team with 16 wins

The Padres, which Yu Darvish belongs to, decided to advance to the playoffs for the first time in two years on the 2nd (Japan time 3rd). The Brewers, a Magic-eligible team, lost to the Marlins a little early while trying to advance to the wild card.

Last season, which was approached by carrying out large-scale reinforcements one following another, a big stall occurred in the middle of the season. Director Tingler has been sacked. Darvish has led the team with 16 wins so far this season. The Padres got the news of the Brewers’ loss during the White Sox game at home, and the stands erupted.

(Full-Count editorial department)

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