Welcome friends of Mediotiempo!
We’ll bring them the minute by minute of the game between pachuca y Chivascorresponding to the end of first leg from MX Women’s Leaguewhich will be disputed at the edge of the 21:00 hours in it Hidalgo Stadium.
List the alignment of the chiverio
the scorers of both squads
Red and white invasion in the Hidalgo Stadium
gophers chosen
for the winning team
The owner of the Flock spoke, Amaury Vergara
???????????? THERE IS A LOT OF TALENT IN MEXICAN WOMEN ???????? ????
Amaury Vergara with confidence in the Mexican athlete#FINALFEMENILxFOX l “We always reinforce in Chivas the belief in the Mexican, in the talent and what I am surprised is in how young the talent comes out” pic.twitter.com/3WkTZTQHk4
— FOX Sports MX (@FOXSportsMX) May 21, 2022
He sings the National Anthem