Pablo Moyano attended to Mauricio Macri: “It was good news when he said that he was not going to join any government”

2023-09-14 15:23:09

Pablo Moyanoleader of the Truckers union, acknowledged that it was a great joy to know that Mauricio Macri I was not going to be part of any government in the next 4 years. In that framework, Moyano He criticized Macri for not being sincere regarding the bad results he had when he was President of the Nation and called on Argentines not to vote for another right-wing leader once more.

“It was good news when (Macri) He said that he was not going to join any governmentWhat a satisfaction to hear that for the vast majority of the Argentine people. “The guy pretends to be a statesman, a great politician, and he doesn’t take responsibility for the disaster he caused in our country, nor for the exorbitant debt he contracted and which our grandchildren are going to end up paying,” Moyano attacked in an interview for the radio. Futurerock.

«There are candidates from the right who are already telling you what they are going to do, take away workers’ rights and modify the compensation system, where workers are going to lose. “They are not adversaries, these are enemies of the country, of the workers, of Peronism and of the humble,” shot the vice president of the International Federation of Transport Workers (ITF).

«Today almost 60% of the Argentine people have voted to the right, and it is our function as leaders of the PJ to reach those people who are angry, who are losing part of their salary, that there is a future with Peronism. I think that if something might not stop or control the government, it was precisely inflation. We wanted to collaborate to denounce or tell the government how large supermarkets mark up prices and store merchandise,” explained the union leader.

«Unfortunately there was no stronger action from the government, prices have gone through the roof, but I think that these measures that the government has taken to alleviate the issue of inflation are important. First was the elimination of the Income Tax for nearly 1 million workers and then, the measure so that workers with fewer resources did not pay VAT on food,” said the president of the Club Atlético Social y Deportivo Camioneros.

«Other governments would have frozen the parity payments, would have privileged the business sector and would not have given these benefits to those who earn the least. I think that many people who did not go to vote will go to vote, and we do not want these characters who come from the past blaming Peronism for everything that has happened in the country, when it was Peronism that gave rights to millions of workers. . I think that in November, the election can be turned around,” Moyano insisted.

Pablo Moyano spoke regarding Cristina and ruled out agreements with Javier Milei or Patricia Bullrich

“I don’t want to be rude, but I wouldn’t hang out with a guy like Milei where the first thing he’s going to do is close ministries, fundamental ones like work, education, health, plus his vice president claims the military dictatorship and constantly attacks those union leaders.” that we have years of struggle. “No way would I sit with one of these characters,” the union leader remarked.

«I think that today there is no one left and Cristina’s presence would be important. We must respect her silence, I think that today we should all be mobilizing, talking to people. Peronism has begun to mobilize, there are events everywhere, there is more desire to go out as a soldier and I think we are going down that path and we are going to reverse it. I have faith that with these measures that Sergio Massa is taking and with the atrocities that the right says, I believe that people will become aware,” he concluded.

#Pablo #Moyano #attended #Mauricio #Macri #good #news #join #government



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