Oxylum, Splinternet, 180 secondes, Artemis, House of the Dragon

2022-08-25 21:59:00

Episode 364 with Thierry and Aurélien.

Summary :

• E for Ecology (00:03:31) :
Oxylum: the Belgian startup that transforms CO2. Valorization of CO2 by Oxylum. (source, source)

• F as Flicage (00:10:19) :
When children no longer have the right to skip school. On the way to school, new technologies for tracking children raise questions. (source, source, source)

• I like Internet (00:15:54) :
“Splinternet” or the fears of an Internet in pieces. Splinternet or the fracturing of the web. (source, source)

• M for Microlino (00:26:27) :
When the only Swiss car is copied. A German manufacturer unscrupulously copies Swiss Microlino cars. (source, source)

• O for Orange (00:32:21) :
Science popularization contest. Explain your thesis in 3 min! (source, source)

• S for Starlink (00:38:07) :
When $25 is enough to hack Elon Musk’s toy. StarLink Dish hacked with $25 device. (source, source)

• S as SLS (00:43:01) :
ARTEMIS I launch scheduled for August 29. Artemis en route to the moon. (source, source)

• W for Wémenon (00:48:00) :
When all of NYC is watching House of the Dragon. An entire building in front of House of the Dragon. (source, source)

• S for Supplement (00:51:38) :
Bright labels. Via Xhark on Twitter. (source)

#Oxylum #Splinternet #secondes #Artemis #House #Dragon



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