OVP will report to the IACHR cases of torture against detainees in post-election protests in Venezuela

  • The A non-governmental organization revealed the conditions in which at least 70 women are held at the “La Crisálida” Female Prison Training Center in Miranda

The Venezuelan Prison Observatory (OVP) reported that it will file a complaint with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) regarding the case of at least 70 women detained in the “La Crisálida” Female Prison Training Center, located in Miranda state, who were arrested in the context of the post-election protests on July 29.

In a statement published on August 15, the observatory denounced that women deprived of their liberty are “constantly subjected” to inhumane treatment ranging from physical and psychological torture to denial of adequate medical care.

In this regard, the OVP denounced that the 70 women detained in the post-election protests are being held in groups of 10 people in each cell, and are only given a bucket of water so that they can satisfy their basic needs and hygiene.

“They are not receiving a balanced and sufficient diet, as they are only eating pasta with mortadella (…). During the day they are allegedly mistreated by the director of the facility, who throws cold water on them and calls them and stigmatizes them as ‘terrorists’, in addition to torturing them because she continually tells them that they will spend a long time in prison,” reads the statement.

Photo; EFE/ Henry Chirinos

As for women who visit the detainees, the observatory detailed that in order to enter the center they are subjected to searches of an “invasive nature,” since they are forced to undress, and a guard searches their private parts.

She also reported that visitors are forced to comply with certain dress codes, such as a white flannel shirt, jeans and sandals.

In this regard, the OVP stated that it will also take these cases to the Venezuelan Rapporteurship of the IACHR, the Rapporteurship on Human Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty of the IACHR, the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Women of the IACHR, the Subcommittee for the Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Irregularities in the judicial process

In the letter, the observatory indicated that various irregularities have been reported in the judicial process against the 70 women detained in post-election protests.

He revealed that in many cases it has not been possible to find the files of the detainees, nor any records in the corresponding system.

“This lack of documentation is unacceptable, especially when the detainees have already been brought before a court for oversight purposes, and the court itself should have a file reflecting the actions carried out to date,” the organisation added.

Foro Penal reported 429 arrests and 11 deaths in the context of protests since July 29
Photo: EFE

She said that the authorities have not provided clear answers to the lawyers and relatives of the detainees regarding the procedural status of the cases.

In the statement, the organization said that the country’s judicial authorities have demonstrated an “alarming complicity in torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment” towards women arbitrarily detained during post-election protests.

“This network of actors, far from protecting the fundamental rights of these women, has perpetuated their suffering and vulnerability, becoming accomplices in an unjust and inhuman repression. There will be justice,” she said.

Those arrested in post-election protests

According to the Penal Forum, between July 29 and August 15, 1,406 people were arrested in post-election protests. Of this total, 185 are women and 117 are teenagers.

The organisation also reported that there are 17 people with disabilities in these figures.

Most of the arrests were reported in the Capital District (238), followed by Carabobo (194) and Anzoátegui (114).

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2024-08-17 06:24:30



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