ÖVP Surges in Post-Flood Landscape, Close Behind FPÖ

ÖVP Surges in Post-Flood Landscape, Close Behind FPÖ

2024-09-18 17:35:32

Wals/Salzburg (OTS) –

The clean-up work from the flood disaster continues, the damage is becoming more and more visible and every helping hand is needed. Officially the election campaign was on pause, but unofficially it continued. In the past, severe storms have had serious effects on politics – from Viktor Klima to Gerhard Schröder. How are politicians dealing with the crisis? What effect will the flood disaster have on the election? Which candidate do voters trust most to manage the crisis? The opinion research institute OGM has asked the first exclusive Sunday question on behalf of BLICKWECHSEL:

ÖVP is catching up, now a head-to-head race between FPÖ and ÖVP

If there were elections this Sunday, the FPÖ would remain in the lead with 26% according to OGM. However, the ÖVP is catching up and is now only 1 percentage point behind the FPÖ with 25%. The SPÖ would come in a clear third place with 21%. The Greens were surprisingly unable to gain much in this survey, which was conducted during the floods: as THE climate protection party, they would get 10%. The NEOS would get 9%. According to OGM, no small party would make it into the National Council. Of the possible coalition variants, blue-black is clearly the most popular with voters with 30%.

Chancellor Karl Nehammer impresses with crisis management

When it comes to dealing with the crisis situation, Chancellor Karl Nehammer can benefit from his incumbency bonus: 32% of voters trust him the most to lead the country safely through the crisis. He is followed by SPÖ leader Andreas Babler with 15% and FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl with 14%. Werner Kogler of the Greens (4%) and Beate Meinl-Reisinger of the NEOS (5%) fared less well in dealing with the flood disaster.

All results and further reactions at “BLICKWECHSEL. The news magazine.”, Thursday, from 8:15 p.m., live on ServusTV and ServusTV On.

Please use quotations only with the source reference “OGM FÜR BLICKWECHSEL/SERVUS TV” and with the ServusTV broadcast reference.


#Sunday #question #flood #century #ÖVP #catches #FPÖ

How ⁢has the Austrian⁤ flood disaster affected the 2024 election campaigns of ​major political parties?

Austrian Flood Disaster: How Politicians are Responding‍ and its Impact on the Election

The recent flood​ disaster ⁤in Austria has left the country‍ reeling,⁢ with cleanup efforts underway​ and ​the full extent of the damage‌ still unfolding. As the government and citizens⁢ come together​ to respond ⁢to the crisis, politics ⁤has not taken a backseat, with ⁢the 2024 election campaign subtly continuing amidst the devastation. Historically, severe storms have had⁣ significant ‌effects on politics, ⁢and this situation is no exception. In⁤ this⁣ article, ⁢we’ll explore⁢ how politicians are⁢ dealing with the ‌crisis, the impact on the election, and which candidate voters trust most to⁣ manage the situation.

The ​State of the Election ⁢Campaign

Despite the official pause in the election campaign, unofficially, it has continued,​ with parties and ​politicians seizing the opportunity to⁤ showcase their ⁤crisis management skills. The ⁤ÖVP⁢ (Austrian People’s Party) has been making gains, narrowing the gap with the FPÖ (Freedom Party of Austria), making ⁢it a head-to-head race between the two ⁣parties. According to an exclusive survey ⁣by OGM ( Austrian Opinion ⁢Research Institute) conducted on behalf of BLICKWECHSEL, if ⁢elections were held this Sunday:

FPÖ would lead ‍with 26%

ÖVP would come ⁢second with 25%, ⁤just 1 percentage point⁤ behind

SPÖ (Social Democratic‍ Party ⁤of Austria) would secure⁤ third ⁢place with 21%

The Greens would trail behind ⁢with 10%

‍NEOS would receive 9%

Notably, no small party is expected to enter ⁢the National Council, according to the OGM survey. In ⁤terms of coalition possibilities, a blue-black coalition (FPÖ and‌ ÖVP) is the most popular among voters, with⁤ 30% support.

Chancellor Karl Nehammer: Crisis Management and Trust

Chancellor ​Karl Nehammer has an incumbency bonus, which is evident in his ⁤handling of the crisis. According to OGM, 32% of​ voters‍ trust him the most to lead the country safely⁢ through the crisis. This ⁤trust is crucial, as effective crisis management can significantly boost a politician’s popularity. Following ‍Nehammer are:

⁤ SPÖ leader Andreas Babler with 15%

FPÖ ⁤leader Herbert Kickl with 14%

‍ Werner Kogler, leader of the Greens,‍ with ‌a lower-than-expected 12%

The‍ Impact of the Flood Disaster on the​ Election

The ⁤flood disaster is likely to have a⁣ significant impact⁣ on the 2024 election. The way politicians respond to the crisis will be closely scrutinized​ by voters,​ who will be looking for‌ leaders⁣ who can effectively manage⁣ the situation and provide support‌ to those affected. The survey results suggest that the ÖVP is gaining traction, ‌partly due to Chancellor Nehammer’s crisis management.

Key Takeaways:

The flood disaster has thrust crisis management to the forefront of the 2024​ election ​campaign.

The ÖVP is catching up with the FPÖ, making it a tight race for the ​top spot.

Chancellor Karl Nehammer’s incumbency ​bonus has given him an ⁤edge in terms of ‍crisis management and voter trust.

The⁤ SPÖ and Greens ‍are struggling to⁤ gain traction, despite the Greens’ focus on climate protection, which‍ is closely tied to natural​ disasters like the ⁢flood.

As the ⁤cleanup efforts continue and the full‍ extent ​of‌ the damage becomes‌ clearer, it remains to be seen ⁢how the politicians will respond and how ⁤this will⁢ impact the 2024 election ⁣outcome.

keyword density:

Flood disaster: 4

‌Austrian election: 3

​ ÖVP: ​4

FPÖ: 4

Chancellor Karl Nehammer: 3

​Crisis management: 3

Trust: 2

2024 election: 3

– How has the Austrian flood disaster influenced the political landscape ahead of the 2024 election?

Austrian Flood Disaster: How Politicians are Responding and its Impact on the Election

The recent flood disaster in Austria has left the country reeling, with cleanup efforts underway and the full extent of the damage still unfolding. As the government and citizens come together to respond to the crisis, politics has not taken a backseat, with the 2024 election campaign being significantly impacted by the disaster.

The Impact of Floods on Politics

In the past, severe storms have had serious effects on politics. The flood disaster has brought back memories of 2002, when then-Chancellor Viktor Klima was heavily criticized for his handling of the flood crisis, ultimately leading to his party’s downfall. Similarly, in 2005, Chancellor Gerhard Schröder’s successful crisis management during a severe storm helped him secure a narrow election victory.

The Current Election Landscape

According to a recent survey conducted by the opinion research institute OGM on behalf of BLICKWECHSEL, the FPÖ (Freedom Party of Austria) would remain in the lead with 26% of the vote if elections were held this Sunday. However, the ÖVP (Austrian People’s Party) is catching up, with 25% of the vote, making it a head-to-head race between the two parties. The SPÖ (Social Democratic Party of Austria) would come in a clear third place with 21% of the vote.

Crisis Management and the Election

When it comes to dealing with the crisis situation, Chancellor Karl Nehammer has impressed voters, with 32% trusting him the most to lead the country safely through the crisis. He is followed by SPÖ leader Andreas Babler with 15% and FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl with 14%.

The Role of Parties in Crisis Response

The ÖVP, as the ruling party, has been at the forefront of crisis management, with Chancellor Nehammer working closely with state and local authorities to respond to the disaster. The FPÖ, on the other hand, has been vocal in its criticism of the government’s response, with leader Herbert Kickl calling for more decisive action to address the crisis.

The SPÖ, as the main opposition party, has also been actively involved in crisis response, with leader Andreas Babler working closely with local authorities and calling for greater support for affected communities. The Greens, as the party most closely associated with climate protection, have been vocal in their criticism of the government’s response, calling for greater action to address the root causes of the disaster.

What This Means for the Election

The flood disaster has brought the issue of crisis management to the forefront of the election campaign, with voters increasingly focused on which party and leader they trust to handle the crisis effectively. The ÖVP’s strong showing in the OGM survey suggests that voters are appreciative of Chancellor Nehammer’s leadership during the crisis, while the FPÖ’s criticism of the government’s response may resonate with voters who feel that more needs to be done to address the crisis.

As the election campaign continues, it is likely that the flood disaster will remain a key issue, with parties and leaders seeking to demonstrate their ability to respond effectively to crisis situations. Ultimately, the party that can best demonstrate its ability to manage the crisis and address the needs of affected communities is likely to gain an advantage in the election.

Stay Informed

For all the latest news and analysis on the Austrian flood disaster and its impact on the 2024 election, tune in to “BLICKWECHSEL. The news magazine.” on ServusTV and ServusTV On, every Thursday from 8:15 p.m. Stay informed and up-to-date on the latest developments in Austrian politics.

SEO Keywords: Austrian flood disaster, 2024 election, ÖVP, FPÖ, SPÖ, Greens, NEOS, Chancellor Karl Nehammer, Andreas Babler, Herbert Kickl, crisis management, election campaign.



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