ÖVP and FPÖ again for U-Committee


On Friday it became known that Wien Energie had already stopped its futures transactions before “crazy” Friday. Today, the Viennese ÖVP sees the allegation of speculative transactions underpinned. The FPÖ is also calling for clarification once more.

Like the ÖVP, the FPÖ also spoke of possibly the biggest financial scandal in Vienna. Like the ÖVP, the Viennese FPÖ also demanded complete clarification of the events. The Freedom Party is also concerned with so-called cash pooling contracts within Wiener Stadtwerke. According to FPÖ chairman Dominik Nepp, two billion euros are said to have flowed to Wien Energie before the known payments. Money that, according to the FPÖ, is said to have been transferred from other Stadtwerke companies to Wien Energie.

Nepp even saw the danger “that following the Wien Energie disaster, Wiener Linien or Bestattung Wien would also find themselves in financial difficulties”. According to this, hundreds of millions are said to have been used by Wiener Linien and Bestattung Wien, among others, to “cover speculative business at Wien Energie”. Nepp called for all processes to be transparent on the table.

ÖVP locates “situational elasticity” in the SPÖ

ÖVP state party chairman Karl Mahrer suspected that the much-cited “crazy Friday” might not have been the reason for the need for several billion euros. For example, E-Control has also found that Wien Energie should have ended high-risk transactions much earlier in the tense situation. After Wien Energie was the only energy provider in Austria with the corresponding financial requirements, the arguments of Wien Energie and the mayor crumbled.

Mahrer spoke of “situation-elastic” statements within a week and listed a number of “inconsistencies”: First, a need of two billion euros was spoken of, then six, then ten. For a short time it was said that the money would be used immediately, then not at all, then later. Vice Mayor Christoph Wiederkehr (NEOS) didn’t know anything at first, which was then put into perspective following a day. Mayor Michael Ludwig initially supported Wien Energie Management, but then spoke of the possibility of “better communication”.

ÖVP and FPÖ want a commission of inquiry

An investigative commission is supposed to provide clarification on the Wien Energie cause. On Friday, the ÖVP and FPÖ presented their plans for the establishment of a commission of inquiry in a rare togetherness in the town hall. They have enough votes, according to ÖVP state party chairman Mahrer. He sees a considerable need for clarification. FPÖ state party chairman Dominik Nepp even spoke to journalists on Friday regarding lies from Vienna’s mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ).

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