Overwhelming victory for Luis Bertolini confirmed Plottier to Rolando Figueroa

2023-09-04 03:05:00

Citizen Development candidate, Luis Bertolini, swept yesterday in the Plottier elections and managed to retain for the ruling party the most important municipality in the province, which seeks to make its definitive leap with the support of the governor-elect, Rolando Figueroa. The candidate got the 57.5% of the votes and surpassed former mayor Andrés Peressini by more than 30 points, who had the largest number of mirror and collector lists in the single electronic ballot. He will have his own majority in the Deliberative Council.

“They did not have enough money to buy our ideas and our values. The people of Plottier said enough of that old policy, we want working people who think of the neighbors,” said the mayor yesterday Gloria Ruiz, who put her political capital to the test and came out on top of the challengewith even better results than the surveys had predicted.

In the act that they organized yesterday in the central square of the city, in front of the municipality, the communal chief and elected vice-governor stressed that the city will now have “the full support of our governor of the province” and sent a message to his adversaries: “They don’t come back once more”harangued the crowd.

“God did justice and today we have the opportunity to make history in Plottier because only those who work remain,” said Ruiz.

Bertolini, currently Secretary of Urban Development, garnered 57.5% of the votes (16,557) according to the provisional scrutiny that came to scrutinize all the 116 authorized tables. Dear me, with his Presentes party and nine other collectors, he had expectations of polarizing the election, but he was left behind with almost the 22% (6.318).

The MPN candidate, Sergio Soto, barely achieved 9.1% (2,619) and, in fourth place, the representative of Union for Plottier, “Karina” Ortiz, was located, with 3.5% (1,020 votes). Norberto Calducci of the FIT was left with 2.8% (809) and Héctor Agostino of the Neighborhood Autonomist Party even further behind, with 2.1% (620).

Figueroa highlighted yesterday the figure of Ruiz and his candidate and said that “The wretched have no place in politics” and affirmed that “in politics you have to open your arms, rescue the work of the other and value what the other does for another.” He also valued his main reference, Julieta Corroza, “the best political cadre the province has.”who withdrew from his own candidacy in Plottier to allow the mayor to choose his successor.

Bertolini thanked God for the triumph and responded to his adversaries, who questioned how he was going to guarantee governability, that he would do so “with the governor, the lieutenant governor, the municipal government and a Deliberative Council in favor.” According to provisional data, he will have 12 of 14 councilors.

In yesterday’s election little more than 72.2% voted of the register The blank votes were almost 3%, with 847 in total.

Julieta Corroza Factor: the Community list was the most voted

The calculations made yesterday in the bunker of Luis Bertolini, the elected mayor of Plottier, showed for the ruling party a total of 12 benches out of 14 that there is in the Deliberative Council. The curious thing is that it would not be Desarrollo Ciudadano, the party of the communal chief and the current mayor Gloria Ruiz, who would have the bench plus numberto, who Communitythe space of Rolando Figueroa.

The collecting list that topped Malena Resa as the first candidate The councilor garnered, according to the provisional scrutiny, 5,059 votes, while the “mother” list that carried Claudia Namuncurá was left with 3,649.

Good part of the victory of Community is explained in the figure of Julieta Corroza, the candidate who was not. The territorial leader of Figueroa, whom he described yesterday as “the best political cadre the province has”, is a reference in Plottier and was the one who worked the most in the campaign, pulling the vote of Bertolini, but also that of his own list of councillors.

Thus, the Community would obtain five councilors, three Citizen Development, two Together for Change, two Evolution, one Present and one the MPN.

The former mayor received his second electoral setback of the year. Photo: Oscar Livera.

Peressini accepted the coup and will not assume as councilor

The former mayor Andrés Peressini suffered a severe setback yesterday in the election of Plottier, who said no upon his return to the municipality where he began his political career. The current deputy had already received a first setback in the provincial election on April 16 that left him out of the new Legislature that will begin in December.

yesterday confirmed that will not assume in the Deliberative Councilan option that candidates for mayor who are not elected have, because they respected what the neighbors had voted for.

“Citizen participation and democracy triumphed in the city of Plottier,” he said yesterday in the statement that he made public hours following the results were known.

said to be “respectful of the decision of the population and from the spaces that we have to occupy, we will democratically accompany the future government”.

“We will continue working, convinced that dialogue, consensus and closeness with the neighbor are fundamental pillars of our project,” he said.

Peressini was the candidate who greater number of lists had on the screen of the single electronic ballot, with ten in total. Luis Bertolini was nine.

#Overwhelming #victory #Luis #Bertolini #confirmed #Plottier #Rolando #Figueroa



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