Overweight runners: 5 tips to improve (without hurting yourself)

2024-07-22 15:17:30

Are you part of the “heavyweight runner” category and refuse to let that get in the way of improving your technique, speed and wider running performance?

You’re absolutely right because progress is actually easy when you know how to use your body weight to your advantage.

This is 5 tips that will help you improve.

#1: Go slow and steady

The first tip is to start slowly so that Gradually build your muscle massuse your muscles carefully and gradually adjust your heart rate by building your aerobic base in Zone 2.

The goal is to start the work at an easy pace, let the body adjust to it, and then gradually complicate the work by adding intervals, thresholds, distance, speed, etc.

In fact, it is necessary for us to understand that when we gain weight, As the risk of injury increases, so does the transient impact.

Therefore, establishing clear, progressive training zones is crucial.

You’ll then have the opportunity to notice an improvement in your technique, as your steps become faster and your strides become shorter, thus increasing your cadence.

In fact, to avoid hitting your joints too hard with each step and risking injury, you must:

  • take shorter stepsrather than too long;
  • Make sure your feet are underneath you, not in front of you;
  • Using less force reduces fatigue and cushions yourself better.

#2: Choose the right equipment

Even if you’re thin, running can cause repeated rubbing, which can lead to redness and stinging.

But when you get a little stronger, troubles quickly appear and turn into burns or rash.

This is explained by an Increase friction between body partsgenerate more heat and sweat more when running.

For overweight runners, the effects are sometimes scary because they can easily friction between thighs As well as the crotch, including armpits, with continued arm movement, friction between clothing and the skin of the torso or chest can sometimes cause nipple bleeding.

Simply put, these discomforts and pains can ruin your running experience and sometimes necessitate your training to stop.

Fortunately, there are some practical tips that can significantly limit these risks:

  • and 2 in 1 shorts Prevent delicate body parts from rubbing against each other;
  • Wear appropriate clothing: Antiperspirant, seamless technical fabric Or flat seam, but not too tight;
  • this shorts cream (Originally aimed specifically at cyclists, but very effective) Limit friction while leaving a soft feel, or use anti-friction powder or anti-friction strips;
  • of bigger shoes Go larger than your shoe size because your feet expand and swell when you run, especially if you are tall and have a naturally wide foot.

Also Read: Tingling Feet While Running? Here are 6 possible causes and their solutions

#3: Avoid unnecessary comparisons

A beginner runner tends to compare his results to more experienced runners.

While this may be a good source of motivation for some people to achieve their goals, it’s still silly because the level and experience are so far apart.

Well, the same goes for tall runners, who compare themselves to other people who are different in size!

This is still completely useless because You don’t have the same weight or the same problems.

This is completely unfair to yourself, and unrealistic and frustrating.

In fact, your anatomical differences can affect your stride length, foot shape, and body alignment.

Likewise, your physical condition may involve joint, muscle or breathing issues that need to be considered, as well as different goals.

Instead, accept and consider your body as it is and use it as a springboard to drive progress.

Work with what you have rather than against it. The most important thing is to compare yourself By measuring your progress and your resistance to effort rather than comparing yourself to others.

#4: Turn your weight into an asset

Many people mistakenly view greater weight as a handicap, and using some strategies can turn it into an advantage.

Once this is understood, heavyweight runners feel better about themselves and no longer see the extra weight as a hindrance.

Here are some tips for turning your weight into an asset:

  • Your extra weight can provide you with higher stability Then you can use it to take a step forward and generate more power;
  • Your developed musculature allows you to support your body weight while also helping you benefit from better muscle resistancewhich is a great asset for long distance races;
  • Because your weight has increased, your lower limb muscle strength has increased, so you have a good foundation Convert this force into propulsion ;
  • your weight to you greater kinetic energy This is great for sprinting and climbing, and can also save you effort when going downhill or on flat roads;
  • you have more material Convert some body weight into muscle To improve your strength/weight ratio, “dry runners” often lose muscle strength as soon as they lose a few kilograms.

In short, learn to work with yourself, not against yourself.

#5: Define your goals

Ask yourself a basic question first, then Ask yourself why you run.

This may seem outdated, but many people forget to question their goals.

Do you want to run 5 kilometers? Do you want to challenge yourself by running a half marathon or marathon?

Is your goal to improve your physical condition? Is your purpose of running to lose weight? Do you just want to improve month by month?

Defining a goal allows you to develop Suitable training program And watch your progress while avoiding wandering and losing motivation.

sport-cat-date-updated">Manon updated on:10/07/2024

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