“Overproduction Crisis in Bordeaux Wine Region: Uprooting Campaign launched with 57 Million Euros Funding”

2023-04-17 18:30:01

Bordeaux, a wine region shaken by a serious crisis of overproduction. The grubbing-up campaign “sanitary” of the Bordeaux vineyard must begin in October following a call for applications launched in May, announced Monday, April 17 the State and the interprofession, which put 57 million euros on the table.

This envelope, announced at the beginning of March, co-financed by the State and the Bordeaux wine interprofessional committee (CIVB), should allow the uprooting of around 9,500 hectares of vines, with a premium of 6,000 euros per hectare, in order to fight as a preventive measure once morest flavescence dorée, a disease that threatens abandoned vines.

The State mobilizing 38 million euros, the interprofession meeting in general assembly unanimously validated Monday its participation, which amounts to 19 million euros, including 14 million of loan. “The call for expressions of interest will be launched, we hope, in May”CIVB President Allan Sichel said at a press conference, acknowledging the “urgent request” of the Bordeaux wine sector.

More than one in three winegrowers in difficulty

In the leading AOC vineyard in France, with 110,000 hectares of cultivated vines, the less prestigious appellations are suffering from a collapse in prices and overproduction, estimated at one million hectolitres. In January, more than one out of three Girondin winegrowers declared themselves in difficulty with the Chamber of Agriculture.

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According to the CIVB, applications from interested winegrowers will be validated on the principle of ” first come, first served “, favoring in particular winegrowers wishing to stop their activity. The objective is to start uprooting in October, following the 2023 harvest, said Allan Sichel.

In addition to this funding, there are ten million euros from the regional council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine to help “at least three hundred winegrowers” to diversify their production, as well as a national campaign for the distillation of surpluses announced by the State.

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A thousand winegrowers had demonstrated in Bordeaux on December 6 to demand solutions to the overproduction of the vineyard, which produces 85% of red wine. The Viti 33 collective, organizer of the rally, demanded the uprooting of at least 15,000 hectares, with a premium of 10,000 euros per hectare.

For Viti 33, the aid announced is not sufficient, especially since many winegrowers are too old to embark on a diversification project. “There are 40,000 hectares that have a big, big problem of profitability. We will have to ask ourselves questions regarding the remaining 30,000 hectares”underlined Olivier Metzinger, member of the collective, present Monday at the general meeting, which calls for ” go further “ to return to profitability.

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