Overpressure of several authorizations to exercise economic activities: What about efficiency?

It was time to take the leap. If this decision comes with the objective of freeing the national economy, for some the situation goes far beyond the question of the abolition of several authorizations and requires a whole national plan to boost the economy and encourage investment.

In Tunisia, the whole philosophy of economic activities is unfortunately centered around authorizations and administrative procedures. This has given rise to a situation hampering investment and corrupt practices, we also speak of the rentier economy, where economic activity in certain sectors is locked.

It is in this context that a presidential decree recently abolished several authorizations necessary for certain economic activities. Indeed, several economic activities subject to prior economic and administrative authorizations are no longer so, thanks to presidential decree no. °2018-417 of May 11, 2018, relating to the publication of the exclusive list of economic activities subject to authorization and the list of administrative authorizations for the realization of projects, the related provisions and their simplification.

In all, the Ministry of Economy and Planning proceeded to the suppression of 25 authorizations related to the exercise of a certain number of economic and administrative activities to carry out projects. This decree in nine articles and forty pages essentially concerns the abolition of authorizations in several sectors of activity, namely: exchange offices, tourism, transport, cement production, renewable energies, aquatic species, commercialization of computer systems, land, higher education, entertainment, aid funds, etc.

According to the department, this decision is part of the consecration of freedom of investment by simplifying procedures and reducing bureaucratic obstacles, particularly at the level of authorizations, launched by the Ministry of the Economy, in consultation with the ministries and structures concerned.

Thus, the cancellation of authorizations to carry out economic activities concerns 15 activities linked in particular to the field of entertainment, tourist activation, irregular public transport, financial activity, the creation of aid funds, public works, construction materials, mediation services in the field of higher education and others.

While the ten administrative authorizations to carry out the project which have been abolished concern rather the fields of the sale of tobacco, the production of self-electricity from renewable energies of less than one megawatt, the supply and marketing of ‘electronic devices and systems, import of films and others.

Tourism and transportation

In fact, the two sectors most affected by these new provisions are none other than tourism and transport. Indeed, the list of activities which no longer require authorization and which have been published in the form of presidential decree No. 317 of the year 2022 mainly includes the operation of aircraft whose mass does not exceed 5.7 tonnes in leisure activities and tourist activities or aerial work.

It also concerns the operation within the framework of aeronautical tourist activities, leisure activities, ultralight aircraft and the sector of non-scheduled public road transport of people by means of rural transport vehicles, including the traffic area does not cross the governorate boundary.

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Also, the authorizations relating to the preliminary agreement and the final agreement for the projects of accommodation and tourist animation with regard to the guest houses have just been removed, according to the decree in question.

It should also be noted that other authorizations have been canceled and relate in particular to the transfer of housing estates under the authority of the Housing Land Agency, before their construction and the expiry of the required time limits, with a view to carrying out an import or marketing of equipment and electronic systems, the import of films and the creation of occupational medicine services, in particular within a company.

These activities are subject to the authorizations in force for a maximum period of 6 months, pending their replacement by specifications which will be published for a period of 6 months.

It’s the same ?

The spokesperson for the National Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (Anpme), Abderrazak Houas, reacted to this decision, saying that it will not have a tangible impact on encouraging investment in Tunisia. For him, these 25 deleted authorizations will be replaced by specifications which will make the situation even more complicated, according to him.

“Certain sectors, such as the pharmaceutical industry, require a definitive lifting of the system of authorizations and specifications. This will open the door to investment and employment”he explained.

For his part, economics expert Moez Hadidane stressed the importance of such a decision, saying that the banking and financial sector will see a development of its activity, in particular following the removal of certain authorizations relating to exchange offices and of the management domain.

Remember that in 2018 a restrictive list of economic activities subject to authorization was also published. Long-awaited by Tunisian and foreign investors, this list is therefore completed by the removal of the 25 authorizations by this last presidential decree.

It should also be noted that these decisions come within the framework of an agreement with donors and the European Union to encourage investment in Tunisia.

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