Overdoses, addiction … A “bringue friend” of Palmade evokes the actor’s extreme relationship with drugs

For many years, the actor has been consuming several illicit substances in high doses. An addiction that worries those around him and has a strong influence on his daily life.

A life on substances. Nearly three weeks after the accident he caused under the influence of cocaine and its derivatives on a departmental road in Seine-et-Marne on February 10, numerous testimonies point to the extremely difficult relationship that the actor maintains with drugs.

By his own admission, he admits to having “dropped the case” regarding his stated desire to break with his addictions. “I am dangerous because of drugs”, he assured the police in charge of the investigation into the collision, in the context of which he is indicted for homicide and involuntary injuries, and placed in detention provisional.


With BFMTV, Camille, close to Pierre Palmade, who claims to have known the actor a few years ago during one of the evenings organized by the latter, points to a relationship that immediately began under the influence of drugs. “We start right away by ordering from sellers, they bring us cocaine, synthetic drugs, 3-MMC. Pierre, I know him mainly under the influence of narcotics”, we learn.

“We played dangerous games. To prick each other is to put each other in danger. I have already overdosed, and so has he,” reveals Camille.

As he explained to the investigators, the comedian became dependent on 3-MMC two years ago, an addiction on which he cannot work, and with very concrete consequences. As his sister indicates, Palmade is “outside of any financial reality” and, unable to work, accumulates debts. Between his producer, taxes and the Urssaff, he should around 250,000 euros.

“When we’re with Pierre, we do what we want to do. Cocaine, synthetic drugs, medication, tranquilizers to alleviate the effect of the drug. I would have preferred never to have known this kind of thing “, resumes Camille.

Camille also confirms that the 54-year-old man could also arrive under the influence of drugs at his workplace, the rare times he went there.

“Once I accompanied him to a studio and even there, in the dressing room, we were consuming.”

Suspicious and “less nice”

If Camille confirms that Pierre Palmade is “a chic guy” in the words of the actor, his change in behavior when he uses drugs is very real. This is what prompted Camille to leave the home of Cély-en-Bière a few hours before the car accident.

“We weren’t going to have a good time anymore, we were all completely stoned,” said the relative.

“When he hasn’t slept for several days, when he’s been on drugs for several days, then he gets angry easily and becomes touchy, less nice”, we learn again. However, when he is sober, Pierre Palmade seems aware of his state of health. “He said drugs don’t give you talent, he just can’t get out of it,” says Camille.

“He’s not stupid, there are health problems that result from it, social problems. He’s been in it for too many years,” we learn.

On several occasions, the actor tried to get out of this spiral and multiplied the detoxification cures, without any real success. “He had even considered a cure together, finally I went there alone, in the clinic where he sometimes went”, recalls Camille.

Damning analyzes

As part of the investigation into the Seine-et-Marnais accident, the results of the toxicological analyzes of the actor, revealed by BFMTV, are overwhelming. These examinations thus showed cocaine consumption shortly before the accident, and the concomitant presence of synthetic drugs in his body. The level of cocaine was “very high”, even underlines the expertise.

Faced with the results, Pierre Palmade did not wish to ask for a second opinion, because he indicated that at the time of the facts, he was coming out of three days of narcotics consumption without sleeping.

According to the declarations of the passengers of his vehicle, Pierre Palmade would have consumed “approximately” 8 injections of 3-MMC between 12h and the moment of the accident, the last injection having intervened 30 minutes before the tragedy.

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