Overconfident, the Fiorentina goalkeeper starts to juggle and is punished in stride

Who is clever falls into the ravine“. Instead, ask Pierluigi Gollinigoalkeeper of Fiorentina, author of an incredible blunder against the club d’Istanbul Başakşehir this Thursday evening, during the second day of the Conference League.

Gollini will certainly remember this trip to Turkey for a long time. While his team is trailing 1-0 on the lawn of Başakşehir, the porter of the Viola Gigliati makes a monumental blunder that will bury the hopes of “reassembled” from the Italians. On an approximate back pass from a teammate, Gollini, placed outside his rectangle, decides to control the aerial ball and begins to juggle twice before clearing … on Serdar Gurler, who had felt the blow and placed the leather in the goal left empty by the 27-year-old goalkeeper. Fiorentina finally lost 3-0 against the club of ex-Anderlechtois Lucas Biglia et Stefano Okaka.

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